How To Sell Life Insurance - Cody Askins

Cody Askins going to teach you how to sell life insurance

People say life insurance is the most difficult product to sell in the insurance industry. If you think so, I can make it really easy for you if you read this article, so I teach you how to sell life insurance.

How To Sell Life Insurance - Cody Askins

I have been selling life insurance for ten years. I started when I was 19 years old and using this exact formula I'm going to share with you today, I made one hundred seventeen thousand three hundred sixty. No sales experience could say a word: insurance, no product knowledge, but using what I'm going to show you, it was easy to make 100K selling life insurance, and that's really amazing. Okay, stay with me, okay, so I'll just go through the preface. This is what I'm going to show you going through my benefits, a presentation. There are five benefits that I will touch on.

Ok, I'm also about to close nine trial periods and three options, and this benefits presentation is so good that by the time I'm done the policy is sold before they even see what it's worth. So if you're interested, be sure to keep watching. Good. So when I'm sitting with a prospect, once I'm done with the warm-up and I'm done with the fact-finding, that means I've warmed them up. That's a step. One proper check step, two fact-finding that actually spends time getting to know their situation.

Ask them a discovery question: that's the step, the second: the appointment process. If you see my videos then you know the other steps are fine. Once I know everything I need to know and it's time to actually close the deal, I go to step three, which is present and near, and here's what I do in the present and near part of the life insurance meeting. Well, because it's time for what's to come and they're going to close, so jumping in, I'm going to say, well, Miss Betty. I have three options, but I will share them with you. Okay and we actually have hello betty t-shirts that I'll probably throw in at some point, fine too, but I'm not going to walk you through what I do with that lead.

How To Sell Life Insurance - Cody Askins

Okay, so I'm actually going to have a blank piece of paper. All right and now - and I'm going to write this on this piece of paper and say - bed, Miss Betty. There are five reasons why these potential customers do business with us. Can I share them with you right now? That's the end of the trial, all right, and like I said, I'll go through the nine closings of the trial all right. So that's number one. Can I share them with you? Yes, they have.

I never said, no, well, that's it. What is the first trial, are you close, do you want to say them? Yes, well, now say: Okay, the first advantage, Miss Betty, is that this policy has a coverage lock, and what I'm going to do when I say that is, when I'm going to do it, I'm going to write it down, and then I'm going to explain it, and then I'm going to ask. Okay, so it's a little three-step process inside each benefit, so Miss Betty. The first advantage is the coverage lock. That said, I'll move on to the explanation. This means the coverage is locked.

So if it's a lifetime, you could say, you could say. Mrs. Betty, the cover is locked in for your lifetime or if it's a term, the cover is locked in for the whole term which is incredible because there are lots of options where the cover can change every year, go up every five years or change when you 80 eccentric Center, the amazing thing is that this policy comes with a coverage lock. Is this benefit important to you? Okay, that's the second try closed after the first advantage and they move on to advantage number two. Ok, so write, explain and ask I asked and I'm moving to number two.

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How To Sell Life Insurance

I miss Betty's second advantage and do it on a piece of paper in front of them. I want to be in their bubble, I'm a watermelon, I walk across the living room and sit on their couch. I can move around the table and sit down. I want to be in their space when I do it. Well, there's a reason why, so I'll move on to benefit number two, Miss Betty. Number two is that it comes with a price lock, and that means the price is locked all the time.

Well, there are a lot of options, maybe you know on TV or through the mail or with somebody else where the price will change and go up. Maybe every year, every five years and when you turn 65 or when you turn 70, or when you turn 80, what clients love about us is that it comes with a price lock and the price is locked in. Do you like it too? That concludes the trial. Obviously yes, right, that's the third attempt. It will move. Then we move on to the benefits.

Number three all right, Miss Betty benefits. Number three is that this policy comes with and you can exchange it for any benefit that your policy brings. I'll use a double accident. Well, as an example, Miss Betty. This policy comes with the double accident in case you have an accident, it would actually pay out twice. So let's say you had $50,000 worth of coverage. If you had an accident in the past, there was an accident, it would pay your beneficiary Suzanne right. You need, you must already know the name. That's one of the questions in step two of fact-finding? Well, if somebody happens, you do something, you pay your beneficiary, your daughter Suzanne, a hundred thousand because it comes with that benefit.

How To Sell Life Insurance

Well, accidents don't happen to everyone. However, it is important that if it did give your daughter extra money, would you accept that as a matter of course? Yeah, okay, that's four fourth trial outfits out of nine, okay, then we'll move into our fourth benefit. Miss Betty. Our fourth advantage is that this policy comes with a function and you can replace it with any function you want. I'm going to use building cash value, Miss Betty, it comes with the benefit of building cash value. It's kind of like a savings account within your policy. Over time, money accumulates on it. We do not recommend that you withdraw money from the policy. However, it's being built there and if you want it's your money, you can access it.

Okay, that's it! Pretty nice to know that it's coming with this feature, right right, okay, sure, yeah, Fifth, exam, we're close to the fourth advantage right, and then we'll move into the fifth advantage, and that's got a part, A and A Part B. And so what shall I say to Miss Betty? I'm not, I'm about to write the fifth perk, I'm a little biased, it's my favorite perk, but I'll explain it to you. Okay, the fifth advantage, and I'll write this down, is having a local agent, and I'll tell them. There are two reasons why having a local agent is extremely important. Well - and everyone always agrees with me - Miss Betty is fine. The first reason: why is it that if you need to make small changes, you would usually have to spend forty-five minutes on the phone, you would have to call someone you know, call one 800 number you should know: do all these things skip all these hoops, even if you just want to change your address or payee or how you are, pay or know the phone number on your policy, etc.

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Small things ok, instead of having to call the 1-800 number, it's on hold for 45 minutes, you don't know who you're talking to, or where you're talking from, and it's an annoying thing. it is! No one likes to do that, instead of having to do all that, you can literally call my cell phone and I'll change it for you right away. That's pretty nice to have. It's not right, sure, yeah, okay, for the sixth time, the trial is over and we've made sure it's okay. Then you now move to B. The second reason the local agent is so important, Miss Betty, I'm probably even more important, this is because when the time comes when you're no longer on good terms with us and your daughter, your recipient Suzanne, you would usually what would normally happen.

She would have to call the same 1-800 number, possibly a different one, which is even more confusing, and wait 45 minutes. You don't know where you are talking to him from, who knows the truth and you may end up having to get the claim papers sent from them and also go get the death certificates from the funeral home and have their sin in and get everything. Notarized and make sure you don't leak anything, make sure everything is perfect and try to get it back to them as soon as possible, and then hopefully get a check in a few weeks or months when they're already trying to balance and juggle everything, what goes with it, you actually know you're going through a funeral and celebrating your life.

How To Sell Life Insurance - Cody Askins

However, she decides to do it. That's a huge load! There is a lot to cover. You have to choose a lot of things. You have a family company. You have to organize everything. You picked up everything. Everyone sets everything time-wise. You get food for everyone. Why would we want to add another burden to her right? 

What do you think she would do if she worked with a local agent? Like I'm fine, she would think if I take care of everything because it will take the burden off her shoulders and it will save Susanne time and stress. Do you agree that this is an extremely important benefit that is obvious? Yes good? This brings us to the seventh advantage. Okay, now the first one, I'm so sorry, the seventh court, I'm getting close to moving to the end of the eighth court.

Now that I have done all five benefits, I will tell Miss Betty that the eighth court is close because I said there are nine which of these five coverages, lock, price, lock, double accident creates cash value and the local agent is for you most important You see what we're doing here is we're getting them to make a decision, say yes, choose For you, you want to train a prospect to make a decision when you ask the questions okay and if and if what do I usually take you through this Miss Betty who is most important to you. Well, what they normally say is hold on a minute.

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What are the three words they usually say? I don't know when it will happen. Well, miss betty if you had to choose which one would you choose we are the second charm every time i promise they will choose well if i had to choose probably price lock ok great right I will circle the excellent one it is extremely important to get it right.

They made the decision that ended the eighth trial. Then I move to or actually show them the options. Okay, so I'll have another piece of paper, okay, or maybe on the back of this one where I already have the options laid out. Maybe I have fifty thousand, maybe I have thirty thousand And maybe I have ten thousand. For example, well, you can have any number of options, but maybe this one is a hundred and ten, maybe this one is eighty-four, and maybe this one is sixty-one, for example. Okay, now there's a reason why they're arranged like this, I'll come back to walk you through this point, there's a reason described like this: first, you always want to have three options, from largest to smallest, very important. The psychology is oh wow, that's what if you go from big to small, oh wow, that one is good and the others are compared to a bucket, well or the other psychology is if I went from the smallest to the biggest and I would feel like. Oh you know he's good looking he's trying to sell me. So we're not doing it well, there's different psychology behind it.

How To Sell Life Insurance

I show one option: that's always over a hundred dollars a month, no matter what's right! Now, if you know what they need and you can create three options around what they need, then the price doesn't matter. That's why in the second step of fact-finding about the appointment process, I don't ask what you can. what can you afford What is the best price? what do you want to pay No problem, you sell life insurance based on need, not price. Good. Now I like 180 and sixty because most life insurance salesmen give up. Now, if you want to show more options and show based on need, that's even better, fine, but I'll set it up and what I'll say is fine for the ninth attempt. Miss Betty is nearby. I'm going to show you three options: okay, we'll get to the end when we get to all of this. This is a crazy baby.

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If you don't make a hundred caves using it, then you haven't gotten ahead of the people. Would you agree to close another trial? Okay, now what I asked Miss Betty is Miss Betty, now I'm going to show you three options. I already know which one you will choose, by the way, Miss Betty, but I need a favor from you while I show you these three options, which are fantastic. They come with all five benefits, especially in the price lock that I know you loved. When I show them to you, I need you to do it. 

Can you do it for me, is that clear? Yes, ok Ix, close, I'm going to turn over a piece of paper that would look like this, and that's all right, Miss Betty, here are three options: Okay, first, fifty thousand for ten, thirty thousand four, eighty-four, and ten thousand sixty-four one, which one is the most comfortable for you, that's close, I shut my mouth and let them decide, and if you warmed up well if it feels good and if you presented the benefits and value well when you get to over, it's sold and they decide. Well, if they're saying that hypothetically if they said well, I'm not sure. Well if you were doing one you would do you see the hypothetical if well probably the thirty thousand because eighty percent of the time they'll pick the one in the middle fantastic Miss Betty and now here's how you could go on excellent.

Just then I thought you'd pick, let's see if we approve you. What is your full legal name, that's it! Well, anyone can be trained to do this. Anyone. I also have another video of me talking about if they say I want to think about it or if I want you to call me back. I was right about that too, but I'm not going to dress it up in this video because it was simply how to pitch, how to close, how to sell life insurance in the most amazing way ever, and how you can make 100k selling life insurance. When you use it, when you make your first hundred thousand, when you use this in it, I get crazy works back, and let me know in the comments below if you like it and want to do it without seeming demanding.

The next article is right there. It's for you, you're going to love yourself, click it and see you there. I'm going to talk about five easy ways to search without being pushy.

I truly believe that yes, I may be aggressive in selling, but I do it in a respectful way that I don't want to.

» Read More: Life insurance & Types

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