How To Use Whole Life Insurance To GET RICH

How do you use whole life insurance to get rich? There are so many anomalies that go into this conversation and we're actually leading with today's topic of just having a conversation between Darius and me, as far as what we think has allowed us to get to the level of financial success that we've.

How To Use Whole Life Insurance To GET RICH

That we've achieved by using whole life insurance. What I would like to say is before we even talk about the product itself of whole life insurance. I think the biggest thing is understanding your mindset.

We talk about this all the time on this website. It's like, if you just think that you know you're gonna ride the gravy train to financial independence, you have to make sure that you have certain things in check before you start using products and services To uh get you to whatever financial independence looks like for you right, Because I like the fact that you say that, because whatever mindset that you have this product or money or whatever, doesn't matter what it is, what it doesn't matter, what it, what it is, It's going to enhance whatever mindset that you have. I think that's where sometimes people get in trouble they get a whole life insurance policy and they bring baggage with their baggage, meaning like uh. They have a bunch of debt that they haven't sorted out. They Don't have uh strong financial principles or systems in place, and they think that, just by having this policy, it's going to change everything for them when actually it makes it more complicated because you have another layer that you have to manage right and then we Bring blame the product instead of looking in the mirror.

How To Use Whole Life Insurance To GET RICH

How To Use Whole Life Insurance To GET RICH

Yeah. Oh, it's not working! Well, really! You didn't get your mind right in order to learn how to use this system, And so that's why we have achieved it. I would say us a certain level of success with using whole life insurance policies to the point where we have six policies, we're working on our seventh policy, and more.

We do plan to get even more as our family continues to grow and our income grows. Um, but we are solely using whole life insurance to finance our lifestyle right now when we when carmen say we are so using whole life insurance to finance our lifestyle. This Is the vehicle that we're using when you, when you think about uh a race or a Nascar, for example.

All of them have amazing vehicles, but the difference is the driver. The driver makes the biggest difference but yeah honestly, if you have a crappy car you're, going to end up in the back of the line. But what we're saying is that this vehicle is not the end-all-be-all.

You have to also be a good driver in order to get to where you want to be. Everybody wants to get to Different destinations, and people want to get there at different times. Some people may have more time um than others.

Some people may be close to retirement. What is really dependent upon the success in using whole life insurance in your system is how you decide to drive that vehicle. That's a good point.

It's like. We all start at the same starting line and we all have the same car, the same system, the same uh engine, whatever you Want to call it, and it's really up to the driver to determine how they're going to utilize the vehicle absolutely and - and we Can attest to that so many times because again, we've started at the same starting line and there are others that are further ahead than us because and we wrecked that car we put the pieces back together, but we wrecked it, yeah yeah we reacted and out Of the gate, That's a good testament, because again, what we pride ourselves with, at least with the wealth nation channel, is when we talk about the things that we're we're doing it's because we've done it. So we have had whole life insurance policies that we were working through.

You know because it was a process. We were learning the system, we brought baggage with us right, and so we recognized like oh wait. We had To check ourselves because we needed to get it right before we could expect the whole life insurance product to perform the way we thought it should yeah because when you think about it, the different people who are actually using whole life insurance when we think Of banks - and we think of fortune 500 companies when we think of our politicians they're on a different level of finance than where we were when we started, so they have teams of people around them, helping them to get to where they need to be.

You know I just had this crazy visual of like cool runnings. You know where they wrecked their sled at the then, yeah, and then they had to pick the sled up and they walked. You know limp back to the finish line.

I feel like we've been down that path just reversed. We wrecked it in the beginning, [, Music, ] and then had to carry it for a little while and then and Got back on and went down. So I just had that visual in my head um, but it is.

It is important to know that when you're dealing with successful entities such as banks and insurance companies, they may there's a possibility that they may know more than what you do. But if we decide to uh take advantage of the vehicle that we have and understand where that vehicle can take us, then we can start. I guess putting ourselves in a better situation, To uh, really appreciate some of the opportunities that present itself around us yeah, because, when I think of some of the investments that we're we're doing now compared to when we first started this process, it's totally different.

But we've grown so much in our understanding of this product and how to apply the product and even ourselves personally, that we're able to do some of the deals that we are doing, invest in some of the things that we invest in agreed great. So if you want to learn how to get rich using whole life insurance policies, it's really what type of investments are you into that can get you. The double-digit returns on your investment, because the best thing, the biggest thing about using whole life insurance policies, is you're able to earn interest within the policy and you're able to take that money out of the policy and use it someplace else and earn The real Interest that you want to earn yeah yeah.

So if you want to learn how to do this and speak about learning, then definitely click on the link below. We would love to serve you at the wealth nation uh. You can either watch our master class and learn some of the techniques that we share and or you can join our community and learn from other like-minded individuals who are doing the exact same things, so uh segwaying into a kind of what you were talking about.

As far as you know this process and how it all works, I think it is important for us to just take a moment and talk about the leverage that we utilize by having a whole life insurance policy so kind of summing up the first half of The video where people say how do you get rich using this thing? Well, first, you got to come correct. You got to come correct with good financial sense because you need to apply that financial sense to The product, which is whole life, and we're using whole life insurance designed with high cash value and make sure you guys hear that we're not just talking about any ordinary Whole life insurance. You need to work with an agent and a team who understands how to design policies out there.

Okay, crew, you need to have a good pit crew. That's a good one pit crew. So again, if you want a good pit crew, then click on the link below we can serve you um, so anyways we're using Whole life insurance as a vehicle to park money really to park money to save money.

How To Use Whole Life Insurance To GET RICH

How To Use Whole Life Insurance To GET RICH

Whatever you want to call it we're just using it as a storage vehicle, because, right now, what we recognize is if we keep our money in the banks, the banks are going to use our money to fund everyone else's deals, and we want a little bit more control as far as our money is concerned, we're not saying the insurance company isn't doing the same thing, though right everybody's doing the same thing, because that's the whole purpose of money is to stay in motion, and if you don't do what somebody else is going to Do with your money what you should have been doing and make all the money that you could have made exactly, but the difference is by moving your money from a bank to a life insurance company is when you need to access those funds. You still are able to earn a guaranteed rate of return, because what we're doing is we're borrowing against The balance, essentially, so we're not actually taking the money out of the bank, we're going to the insurance company and saying hey. Can you give me a loan? Give me your money and allow my money to continue growing and i'll pay.

You back your money when the time comes right. There are fees. Yes, whenever you borrow anyone's money, there is going to be a fee involved.

In our case, it's usually five percent and that's simple interest. That's due on an annual basis Right. So what that allows us to do is we have huge leverage? Because now, if we borrow any money, we can go flip that money, wake to earn way more than five percent and the difference is basically what we keep right.

It's what we keep and we pay the loans back to the insurance company. They get their principal plus their interest of five percent and again we keep the difference. So that's where that arbitrage lives in the leverage that we get to take advantage of when it comes to using our whole life right now.

One thing I want to explain when you say, borrow a lot of people get caught up in the fact. Well, why am I borrowing my own money? Yeah yeah, like carmen, mentioned you're borrowing money from the insurance company using your life insurance policy as leverage so you're, not borrowing any money. Out of your particular policy.

You burn it from the insurance company using your life. An insurance policy as collateral. If you borrow anybody's money, they're going to charge you a fee, they should they're going to charge you a fee for using their money.

Nobody's gonna lend you money for free. Unless you ask your mom one thing that you're also able to do is like carmen said you can use that money to earn even more interest than what it cost you to withdraw money from a life insurance policy, you're withdrawing that money from your particular policy. That's your Money that you're withdrawing you're not going to pay any fees on that money because it's your money.

Yes, so there's a difference between a withdrawal and when you borrow funds or when you get a loan, and I think that the thing to uh for me to be candid about is it took us a while to understand this, because it's a mindset shift because We're so used to just going to the bank putting on depositing money, withdrawing depositing money withdrawing and never Seeing our money again and when you're, when you're subscribed to that notion of I deposit money. And I would draw it and I never see it again and that's just second nature, for you, that's muscle memory that we had yeah what we had to get out of that muscle memory and learn how to reprogram our minds because it is a beautiful thing. When you see your money again, when you see your money again plus Interest that arbitrage that I was talking about, so if I get a loan for the insurance company at five percent and I make 10 not only do - I still have the principal available.

But now I have an extra five percent that is added bonus right. So in what world can you play in where you can have your deposits plus the interest that you make and continue to recycle this money and reuse it time and time again? And that's really what makes you rich, I would say, with this process, is the arbitrage that you continue to gain as long as you're, a good steward of the system. Now, where we feel people kind of fall off of the horse so to speak, is where they're not paying their loans back they're, not paying themselves interest, they're, not working the system and that's where things can really just wreck themselves out of the gate.

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So as long as you go into this process understanding the Specific rules that you should play in order to be successful, then a lot of people see success with this right and I think what I like about what you said is it takes me back to muscle Memory and I think any successful athlete they've gotten really good at doing the same thing over and over again, yes, and that's how we wrecked our system, in the beginning, is because we stopped doing the things that made us uh. That would have made us successful with our banking system and we try to do other things along with it. Instead of trying to do the same thing over and over again until we establish that new muscle memory of how to ride this bike and just apply that yeah, and I also think too, it depends where you are in your life yeah right.

So for us going into this as w2s, it was a steep learning curve. I'd say for some of our friends who got this, who are investors out of The gate they were like. Oh, I do this in a kind of different environment, but now I'm going to use it here, and so they got it immediately and as we started to continue to surround ourselves with more like-minded people who flip money creatively, this notion to them isn't foreign.

It's just like, oh great, I didn't know you could do that. Let me go get one, and so that's when we started to uh awaken ourselves and recognize what we could do With our money and the power of being able to control it and leverage it to do many things right. We even can tell the difference now with people that we speak to in regards to cash value, life, insurance, and how they're applying their banking system.

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We can tell the difference between people who are business owners. We tell the difference between the people who are w2. Just like how we were when we started Yeah, so that's another reason why we wanted to create a community of like-minded individuals, also, so that we can all be in one place on one meaning: one live uh, meaning, so we can have a conversation and work through Some of these uh different issues that we all face together because it helps us get to where we're trying to go faster when we have people surrounding us to help us along our journey just like we had - and I think for The reason too, with wealth nation.

The reason why we created wealth nation, hence the nation part of it - we wanted to be able to come together with people where we can learn creative techniques for financial independence that go against the grain, because we recognize that we're not going to become financially successful. Following the herd so to speak, and so it's really important that you continue to surround yourselves with people who are doing things that maybe are against the grain that is challenging the system, and that is putting you in front of the system as opposed To the system in front of you right, I don't think what we're doing is challenging the system. I think we're.

What we're doing is what the people um that control the system are doing. They're just telling us to do something different because it allows us to pay them interest. That's a good point.

We're using the system we're using Assumptions. We're part of this we're a part of the system right now and what we have to do is get out of the system and have the system work for us, like. I was doing the top one percent of the population yeah.

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So it's again going back to how does whole life insurance make you rich? It's a process. Your mind has to be right. You have to be open to creative techniques and you have to be willing to manage them.

That's another thing that we Haven't touched on. Yet either the biggest thing is being able to manage your funds because if you go from having a debt to not seeing a lot of money to managing your system, there's a lot of money that you have to deal with that you weren't used to dealing with. So being able to manage your funds is really important because it really depends on you exactly and when you come into the system and you're used to somebody managing it for you.

That can be difficult because this is about financial empowerment. This is about financial independence and you can't rely on someone else to make it happen for you. You have to be the one to be in the driver's seat and drive your own car and know when you need to make pit stops.

That's maybe one of the reasons why you can possibly be so successful in this is because you don't have other people managing your funds. Every time you involve somebody else, That's a fee. Every time you involve somebody else with your finances as a fee, yeah, but when you are able to understand the whole system and able to put on multiple different hats, your investor hat, your savior's saving hat your uh planning, hat you're, able to make more money with Your system than somebody else does it's a good point, so we want everyone to succeed, especially when it comes to this world of whole life, insurance and uh, Having policies designed with high cash value.

So again, if this is something that's of interest to you, then we recommend you click on the link below or check out our next video, where we teach you all of the techniques that you need in order to get started. Remember to own your own lifestyle, or someone else will.

» Read More: Life insurance & Types

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