Looking for Quality Healthcare Insurance

Today, uh I want to talk to you guys about health care once again, um you got ta tell me that keep you guys updated on health care. I was gonna go to the bpi. I found out they had life insurance and healthcare, one monthly payment of 2000 pesos. Well, I got news for everybody. Healthcare is for people, anybody under 65 years old. Once you turn 65.

Looking for Quality Healthcare Insurance

They will not let you apply for health insurance and I've been finding out that this is pretty common here in the Philippines. Once you reach the age of 65, a lot of these insurance companies will not let you sign up because you're already too old to sign up for healthcare and it's pretty common practice. What I've been finding out um I looked at the vpi.

There's a clause. It's fine print, it said 65 and older may not apply, and I looked at several others, pacific, where the pacific insurance, and healthcare insurance the same way, uh. If you're 65 you've already been Discriminated against from, uh applying for health care, then there was another one. I looked at another one - I don't remember the name, but it was uh 65 as well. So here in about four months well January, I turned 65. I need something like that right now, so I am looking all over the place for healthcare.

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Now I found a couple of other places that said 70 and above uh hadn't talked to him, yet i'm going to start looking at different banks. You know i'm getting to the point right now. I hate going back and forth to Dumaguete every single month. Uh. It is such a hard trip, i'm getting up in eight up in years and uh. This is a tough trip down to do beginning anymore. I'm struggling um. I just assume not have to get a bank right around here. So i'm looking at banks over in dehawn in the morning or tomorrow, i'm going to uh pnb, philippine national bank. They have a branch in new york city. I checked into that. You know quite a while back.

Looking for Quality Healthcare Insurance

Looking for Quality Healthcare Insurance

They have a PMB bank, philippine national Bank in new york city, new york um. I found this out three or four years ago before several years ago before I uh got my account at bpi. I was thinking about doing pmp and I found out yesterday. I did the research and PMB has. What is a health care and life insurance plan? Now I didn't see any clause about a 65-year-old tomorrow I will find out for everyone and because I'm I've told Agnes i'm willing to change banks. Now.

I also saw a video beat our bdo. They have health care and life insurance as well, but in the meantime, we're still looking for health care, So we're going to pnv. I've heard good things about PMB. I heard good things about the metro bank, but there is no metro bank in this area. Uh, I think, there's a metro bank in san Carlos and the metro bank down in um. You see gim me getting city, I think i'm not mistaken. I think there's one Over in the canton, but they're all so far away. I mean I need something close. I need a not available 

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If they have the what we're looking for. I know land bank they do not have any type of life, insurance or health insurance policy for anybody they have it for their employees, But as far as me, getting some sort of life, insurance or health care insurance, they don't have anything they're, not offering anything. So I have two choices in Joel and um one of them's already been eliminated because i've had, I got bad blood between them right now. I would never do anything with this bdo again, but anyway guys. I want to thank you, guys. I had some great comments over the past Uh few months.

It's been, it's been good, it's been a good couple of months, even though i've been sick for almost two months. I want to thank you, guys. I want to thank you for all the get-well wishes and everything Agnes, and I appreciate it very much but yeah we're going to continue on on this uh uh hunt for healthcare here in the Philippines, we're going to keep going um, we have uh. I wrote down, I went on the internet and spent almost half a day, looking for good health care here in the Philippines and going through all the messages and trying to find out the reviews and everything I looked on. Some of those forums see what kind of uh Things what kind of messages are on those forums. You know you get a lot of feedback on a lot of those forums: china, bank - oh my goodness, they had bad reviews on those forums the same way.

The east-west bank - oh my goodness, people are so angry. They were very, very angry, bad, very bad reviews. Now, metro bank, I see good reviews, PMB Great reviews, my bank bpi other than no health care and no life insurance for anybody over 65. Well, they have licensure, but no health care insurance, uh policy for anybody over the age of 65, 65, and older. That's not a good thing. I was i'm really hoping for that, but Um yeah we are working on it guys we are working on.

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I will keep everybody informed over this uh over my search for health care. I know there are a lot of people that are in the same boat as me. You know when I come here from America, I had all sorts of health care uh. I was covered. 100 percent I had no out-of-the-pocket costs when I left America uh. I hated leaving that because I knew I Might have problems in in the future, but I figured well once I get over here i'll, find myself some healthcare.

I had no idea. It was going to be difficult to find a good healthcare provider here in the Philippines. I had no idea. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but in the meantime, i'm going to keep looking. Oh, oh, I want to tell you what happened down here the other day, A gentleman was talking about a senior citizen's car and this gentleman was going on and on out saying yeah they'll deport you on. If you use that to pay your bill uh at the hospital, they will deport you, they will send you to jail, they will put, and i'm thinking. Why would they do that? I mean they're issuing the card to me. If you I mean you got to have a ppr, that's the main thing. Once you have a Ppr, you get a senior citizen card uh, and the agent you get.

Your senior citizen card is 860 years old here in Philadelphia. This guy was going rambling on and on about yeah they put you in jail, they're going. I think hundreds of people go to jail. Well, I looked it up myself. I've seen he was bull crap. He had no idea what the heck he was talking about. He was rambling on for oh 30, 40 minutes about this wow. I'm tired of listening to you, dude uh i'll, find out for myself. Don't worry about it! I'll get deported! I get the book.

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I probably got him to shut up and I turned around and quit talking today the way he was going, but I looked it up for myself And it said: can foreign citizens use the senior citizen card, the paid bills, and big bold letters in black? It said yes, so it's confirmed, you can use your senior citizen card to get 40 off and you can use your Phil health card and get 30 off as a foreign citizen. So that's 70 percent off now. I need to fill in the Gap uh to get the rest of them covered um.

You know there are a lot of different insurance companies out there who look for and check out um I found several yesterdays. I wrote them down, i'm not going to tell you their name yet until I do the research on them and I will let everybody know how they are and what they're about. And I will give you all the information and How much it costs and everything.

But in the meantime, tomorrow, PMB Agnes and I are going there because the chances of anyone - speaking English will probably be slim to none. I need my interpreter, but anyway guys. I want to thank everyone. I want to thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts, as you Gail, I'm in uh, Pima lotto right now in the public market. I love doing vlogs care about a lot of activity in here, and a lot of dogs in here, but anyway guys. Thank you.

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