$500k Life Insurance Policy but Doubled if Accidental

$500k Life Insurance Policy but Doubled if Accidental

$500k Life Insurance Policy but Doubled if Accidental

Let's talk about Lindsay and her alleged 5 00 000 life insurance policy on her daughter okay now apparently they took the PPE and PPP loans are it PPP loans anyway took them out during the shutdown um and they that that was for paying employees right so they could keep their

Businesses open they didn't have when they were looked into and they didn't have any employees they were told they had to pay that money back allegedly um and they obviously didn't have the money to pay them back so there's debt right there that you have to pay I'm not saying the two are connected I'm just saying right okay now um

Jagger could he possibly be there so they could list him as an employee could be right you never know anything is possible in this case but now let's talk about now that you know how that's all connected where that all came from let's talk about Lindsay taking an in a 500 000 life insurance policy out on her daughter listen I've heard people say that it's

Normal for people to have life insurance on their child I've personally never heard of that but who takes out a 500 000 life insurance policy right on their child, okay and you know what else that doubles if it is an accident or accidental death that doubles right

Pretty interesting right that's a million dollars do you know how much how many people you could pay off with a million dollars I'm just saying and they're selling the lodge for 1.75 million dollars what is really going on here right and what a piece of crap woman to do something like this too if she has any involvement in this whatsoever which I'm thinking she does

$500k Life Insurance Policy but Doubled if Accidental

$500k Life Insurance Policy but Doubled if Accidental

I mean is there a punishment great enough for somebody who would do something like that I don't know what you guys think I'm just saying um now what else can we talk about I know it's about a couple days guys I am sorry all right so those cards that I brought up that I was like what are these tarot cards apparently they are the goddess of

Knowledge cards I don't know that's what I was told that they are called and I don't care but to have children to introduce that to kids I think is a little twisted and if you watch um our 22 cents he said something about it and he said when if you look down the table and you saw the herbs the minerals the stone the antlers it's weird  these people are freaking weird right you saw that he

Said that um he like Googled that and a book came up good witches guidebook I don't know I'm not saying it is I'm just saying that's pretty you know pretty crazy all right um that Lodge very very cultish very very right we know that um okay check it out so there have been others other

Police officers who have had an underage activity with miners you know what I'm saying activity with underage minors that's what I meant to say um apparently it happens a lot there right look that up apparently it happens a lot there that's weird for a town that has a population of 16 16 000. pretty freaking

Weird right all right um let's see do y'all know that 3 448 millionaires live in Truckee California y'all know that 3448 millionaires live in Truckee I don't give you cannot tell me that is not like that is not a planned thing there's a reason

3448 millionaires live in Truckee believe me that's plenty enough money to cover up and make anything you want to go away right that's what we're dealing with here this is what we are freaking against here fighting for justice for this girl and it is the most insane thing I have ever seen in my entire life all right um what else okay you know and I just want to say that those of you that are out there

Um saying oh yeah this she was she OD she OD'd you know whatever if you really think there was a party with two three four hundred people there would have been more than one OD I can pretty much guarantee that there wouldn't have been just one OD out of 400 kids with drugs at the party so let's just um kick that to the side because that is not what happened here I mean she very well could have been drugged but that's not she was drugged

$500k Life Insurance Policy but Doubled if Accidental

$500k Life Insurance Policy but Doubled if Accidental

She odina in a story okay um let's see okay so a lot of going on with this uh wand from check it TV right I always thought there was something fishy about that guy there's always something that was off about him I don't trust him at all and apparently now uh he was at the search he searched for her he was signed in to search for her three days in a row or not in Rome sorry three days total right he was at the search

Party at a search for Kylie he has Connections in this uh what's it called you guys I'm sorry I didn't write down a f c m e or something like that just happened in Truckee 600 look that upright that's pretty crazy but do you know I questioned that laptop when that first happened when he first played the video finding her laptop my the first thought that popped into my head was that's not that's a boy's laptop that is a teenage boy's laptop it didn't look

Like a girl's laptop to me, that's just what I thought now I don't know if it is her laptop but I highly doubt it because we've been giving we've been given nothing from these people all these people that want to be want to claim to be involved like SF investigates this one from checking it TV they've all been caught in lies they're all liars and you gotta question everything that they bring to you

Everything that they bring out like the laptop I don't believe it now I don't I think it was all part of it and that's just how I feel like and he's got connections this one has connections with goes to church at Lindsay's church so you know what I don't trust anybody here anybody in this story none of them, not the mother, not the freaking friends or I'm sorry not the mother, not the teens

Not anybody in that Community, not the cops um nobody I don't trust anybody that wants to claim to be uh Miss party going number one party going number two oh and let's talk about this Megan lady who comes up so apparently she called in on Michael's uh channel on August 9th talking and she is supposed to be Sammy's friend's mom right her name is Megan, okay this lady, first of all, was talking so

Fast you're you could barely understand what she was saying it's like whoa okay talk about being uh speeded up on drugs that's what it sounds like to me but you guys find it and listen to it for yourself it's crazy so she's all um so Sam at a party with Kylie I just took quick notes of what she was saying um totally sober somebody's total silver drove Sammy home all parents knew

Where they were this has happened many times before she says this happens all the time people always they always party up there the parents all know about it they're all fine with it and a lot of times people stay kids stay there because it's parents would rather have it that way it's safer right she says um so she claims that people stayed there and all whoever stayed there woke up at 8am and they all left and Kylie's

Car was never seen okay um okay right every person that has claimed to have some kind of knowledge or connection of this case has been a total lunatic and has been totally wrong just comes out they say one thing and the next thing you know there are 30 things proving them wrong and it's like I can't even take it like I don't trust one more person I don't trust any

$500k Life Insurance Policy but Doubled if Accidental

$500k Life Insurance Policy but Doubled if Accidental

Of them, I don't want I won't trust anybody else that comes forward and says well this is what happened or I was there or my kid was there or blah blah blah blah blah you know it's kind of like Max's mom being all like um well we know I know that Kylie was drunk and um you know all this stuff she knew that Kylie was drunk at the party and

Something else I can't even think right now you guys but it's like how did you know when your daughter supposedly left 10 minutes into the party how did you know that she was drunk and all this  happen right exactly see what I'm saying I just can't literally take it anymore like I honestly believe it's up to us to like find the only people out here I think is finding truths are like all of us YouTubers who are trying to work on this and it's ridiculous anybody

Who says that you know we're doing wrong by doing what we're doing and digging into this you're out of your mind sorry for swearing I just get like that sometimes so yeah so then the lady says well later in the party um something happened it was nothing bad but it escalated and um yeah nobody saw her after that she just told you something happened was

That the fight that she was talking about oh something happened later in the party it was nothing bad though but it did escalate and um but it was nothing bad it's exactly her words so yeah see the problem is that some of the stuff that they say when they say weird  like that like well later in the party something that or something happened but nothing bad when they do that you know it was

Something bad right you know they're telling you the opposite we're not stupid okay um so yeah all parents knew where they were this happened all the time car was gone by 8 AM when the campers who just or when the teenagers who decided to stay there because they were too drunk to drive all got up and left okay uh no one saw her leave

Um she's nervous she's just trying to get the truth out a fire started later no Kylie after a fire started party out of control you know what Sammy if nothing else is a piece of crap for leaving a girl like that it doesn't even matter if it's your friend you could hate that girl but to claim that there's a party and leave her wasted right that would be you'd be a piece of crap just for that even though I don't

Believe that that's what happened that's the story you want to put out there then you are the piece of crap who left a girl I don't care if you hated her you don't leave a girl like that in a vulnerable situation all screwed up around dangerous people you claim they were um old stranger dudes with drugs right okay the mother you freaking failed your daughter you didn't stand up for your daughter you did some you I believe she

Had something to do with us for the money I truly believe that and you know what God will take care of you karma is a and when it comes back around it will come back around um so what's really going on here you know what I'm saying like I'm I just I can't even take it anymore like the cops just aren't invested like are they investigating are they, oh and I wanted

To tell you guys before I forget I had forgotten to put this in the other video so one of the locals that I had talked to the right said that he had been to the law show Lodge um years ago like a long time ago he said but he said it's mostly for private parties they mostly host private parties there now let's just put up let's just connect a few freaking dots can shall we all right there are 3448 millionaires that live in Truckee

California okay the lodge mostly only hosts private mostly hosts private parties it's for private parties they have a helicopter pad who has helicopters millionaires right that's how they travel or you know what I'm saying um let's see what else uh they had an um they're into this all this

Occultists weird freaky  right then this darkness in this dark world that they live in so you've got millionaires an alone a secluded Place way out in the middle of nowhere a helicopter pad for the millionaires to fly in their helicopters then private parties private meetings private parties hmm what else is there about this Lodge that we don't know let's

Um so it was originally so apparently the grandfather apparently built it in 2003 right um he put it up for sale in 2012 for 1.95 million dollars one year later raised the price by 1 million tried to sell it for 2.95 million dollars that were in 2013. so in 2012 he originally listed it for 1.95 million a year later in 2013 jacked it up to 2.95 million and then in the same year 2013 took it off of the market and

Re-put it back on the market in June of 2022. for well it's right here but like over a million dollars you gotta ask yourself what happened in between those years right in between two why did they take it off the market in 2013 and decide not to sell it after they had just raised the price by a million dollars could they have gotten money from

Somewhere which is why they didn't have to sell the lodge and now has that worn out maybe it was time to pay the bill I'm just saying there are so many bad things surrounding this case and this freaking girl deserves Justice and she is not going to get it from anybody else nobody in her life nobody in her Town nobody in that whole freaking Community I really believe that it is up to us so you know what I'm gonna do what I gotta do to.

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