Digital Final Expense Life Insurance Sales

Digital Final Expense Life Insurance Sales

Digital Final Expense Life Insurance Sales

Life insurance sales But we have just been busy training new agents. As most of you guys know, I do two to three sales meetings, a day in which I'm engaged with new agents, showing them how to sell insurance over the phone and - and that's really satisfying to me, because I'm able to watch an agent go from zero to A 20 closer on First Contact, and it doesn't happen overnight. It Doesn't happen just by showing up it requires the agent to put their time, their energy, and their effort to apply what we show them, and it's very satisfying to do that, and one of the challenges that we have currently is that we just generate so many Leads in terms of final expense that you know we miss, we lose calls, because we don't have enough agents to take the calls and That's across the board, which is a good problem to have right.

But I'm going to share this with you guys if you're watching this you're looking for a free, lead platform consider our program, you know we will have to set you up on a CRM system. There's going to be some I. T issues.

Digital Final Expense Life Insurance Sales

Digital Final Expense Life Insurance Sales

I guarantee you that because it's never perfect right, but we have an army of Representatives that all they do all day long is sent live transfers. We do a free lead platform, we have a CPA platform and for those of you guys paying for leads, we charge fifty dollars per transfer and we're just generating a lot of leads and more than we can handle. So, if you're, watching this and you're looking for either a CPA or a free lead system, call me up, but look lately, I've been working with my digital Marketers on a project where you know, we've been setting ourselves up to sell insurance directly to the consumer online Without the agent and we've been doing that now for several years, um and recently, we've been really working with our digital marketing team to create you know, advertisements landing pages that get people to our web page And help them make a decision in terms of buying insurance And we've been doing that - and I got ta say that for every dollar that we spend on our Google ads right now we're getting a 50 return on.

You know our system, crazy, 50, so for every dollar that you know, we invest into this digital platform. We're seeing a 50 return, Which is crazy because a lot of people, let me tell you what they're, not even thinking about building something digital, it's all face to face or um you know, or even over the telephone as we've been doing for years. But digital is something that, for those of you guys that are not watching this or not even involved, you should keep an eye out for it and at least put your foot in the door.

That's something important! Maybe a website or working with a group that has a platform that allows you to you know, send a link out where people can log in fill out the information, and completely do the whole process of buying Insurance all by themselves, which is direct to consumer years ago, one of my friends who's a big timer in the insurance business. He told me That eventually, insurance would be a hundred percent online, and that was years ago - and here we are today and we've seen a lot of it already happened - take a look around look at the carriers, the agencies that are working on new innovation, they're working On ways for you to buy insurance online insure me now Direct With my friends, uh Carey and Bill Levinson, that's a great program where people can go online and buy insurance, and that's what I'm talking about. Digital marketing is definitely something that, if you're not involved in it, you should look into it because I believe in the future we're going to be doing a lot more business online, Including final expenses.

Remember this every day, seniors turn 10. 000. .

10. 000 seniors turned 65. Every day, approximately ten thousand turn 65 every single day.

Digital Final Expense Life Insurance Sales

Digital Final Expense Life Insurance Sales

Think of how those seniors are, you know from the generation of the internet tech savvy, They love surfing the internet, buying on the internet. Those are the customers that eventually, as our Market ages, will be online buying. They'll feel comfortable doing it, a hundred percent online they're doing it now, but in the next few years, I believe it's going to be crazy.

So what are you doing to prepare for? That? Is the question mark? What we're doing is setting up websites working with groups like insure me now Direct that have been working and pioneering these types of platforms, and then we are pushing through marketing channels those websites. Now it's not as easy as just paying Google to push your ads. It's not as easy.

You got to have a plan, you got to be consistent and you have to be a marketing person to really get people to click On that website on that landing page. But the bottom line is one thing I do understand the more you put your content out there. Eventually, you get traffic coming to that website and again, we've been doing this now for several months now, and our return on investment is 50.

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