Selling 10,000AP Of Life Insurance Weekly - New Agent's Guide

Selling 10,000AP Of Life Insurance Weekly - New Agent's Guide

Life Insurance

So this is the new agent's guide to selling 10 000 an annual premium no matter what kind of life insurance product you're selling we could be talking about mortgage protection final expense or anything otherwise the purpose of this video is to give you nuts and bolts look at the numbers to help you configure a strategy to conceiving that this is actually a possibility and then to give you some uh

High-level mindset tips at the end of this call to help bring this to fruition to show you the progression of how to get to 10 000 in AP what I have seen from a multitude of agents who have done just this in my agency and they're very very much just give you the overall course of action to take in order to accomplish this goal my name is David Deford if you don't know my greetings and salutations I run to Ford Insurance Group we're a national IMO in the final

Expense Medicare annuity and ACA space we train agents to sell face to face we train agents to sell over the phone part-time or full-time all without the MLM all without the Kool-Aid if you'd like more information on how all that would work and think about joining my agency go to David to learn more about the business so let's get right into it and talk about exactly what it takes to write 10 000 in AP a week so we're going to look at this from

Selling 10,000AP Of Life Insurance Weekly - New Agent's Guide

From a number standpoint guys I'm not going to sit here and like get you riled up and motivated hopefully the numbers themself motivate you and seeing the pathway to success motivates you that's how I think I don't need another raw call I need some structure and some context and that's the purpose of this call so first of all the first thing we've got to ask is and I'm going to keep this simple is how many cases should we write in

In order to get 10 000 in AP first of all AP annual premium think about it like the total premium paid for the year you're selling you're writing a final expense case and let's say you write a 50-a-month case 50 times 12 600 AP rough estimate of what AP is so that's what that means so, for example, we're going to use final expense that's what I know a lot of you out there too as well we take 10 000 in AP and then we divide it by 800 AP that is

The average case size that the Ford Insurance Group some people have higher averages some people lower so 800 into uh 10 000 I'm doing the math on the fly here's 12 and a half right somebody correct me so that's 12 and a half policies per week that we need to write at that average to hit 10 000 in AP weekly everybody with me perfect so now the next step is well what are we selling over the phone or we're selling in person because the metrics and

Selling 10,000AP Of Life Insurance Weekly - New Agent's Guide

Life Insurance

Conversions vary right if you're selling over the phone which usually takes more leads and more work to make the same sales you would as with face-to-face so with face-to-face the goal we have using our preferred and recommended Direct Mail leads most likely if you're hitting this number you're doing Direct Mail is that half of your lead should convert into a presentation so in other words, if you're sitting and writing 12 and a half a week or 13 12 somewhere in there you should

Have double that in the presentation so what does that mean that means you're going to have to have 25 Insurance life insurance presentations a week if you hope to convert half of those into sales now if you're doing remote sales telesales Zoom sales roughly about a third of your presentation should convert and these are full presentations to give to the close not the people who pick up and then hang up that's not what we're talking about and again these

Numbers vary it could be a little better could be a little worse but this is kind of a challenging but achievable goal so 12 and a half divided by 33 is you need to have 36 full presentations a week in order to hit 12 and a half sales so now we've kind of have our presentation volume again and I would say with telesales we're using Facebook leads fresh exclusive Facebook leads for Direct Mail we're using uh for the face we're using direct mail again this can

Vary but this is the example we're running with now we've got to know how many leads to buy right because in order to have presentations we have to have a system that brings us interest to candidates and what we do in most cases in life insurance is by leads so with leads how many do we need to purchase in order to create the presentations well face-to-face need about double the number of presentations you want to hit in the form of lead so if I want 25

Selling 10,000AP Of Life Insurance Weekly - New Agent's Guide

Life Insurance

Presentations a week to make 12 and a half sales I need 50 leads okay because about half of them are just going to give you a line and not book or give an excuse whatever you do there's always some that aren't going to do anything so we just take off half aren't going to agree to a presentation now over the phone it's a little bit different we expect because with phone sales there's a lot less there's no ability to door knock to get a higher conversion

Rate a lot of people don't pick up the phone um we expect about 25 percent of those people uh to actually be presented to when we're doing some kind of Facebook marketing program so if we take 36 presentations and we know that 25 is what we need to get 36 percent so we divide 36 into 25 we need about 150 leads in order to convert about 12 11 12 13 policies a week to hit our 10 000 AP goal so now we've got our leads numbers

Right many agents like what do I do how many leads I purchased well here you go if you're doing final expenses at least we've now calculated backward the number of leads whether face-to-face or remote in order to hit those goals and give you the best opportunity to do that again these numbers May Vary a little bit if you're selling mortgage protection or iuls but principally from a number standpoint this calculation process is the exact same that you have

To follow to figure out what kind of work you're gonna have to do and the last Point here is what kind of money you got to spend of course you're buying leads so there's an investment required we've got to be honest about this is going to cost you money for face to face what we see is somewhere between 1500 to 2500 a week to hit the kind of direct mail goals to hit your production goals for Facebook it varies because some people do self-generation

Selling 10,000AP Of Life Insurance Weekly - New Agent's Guide

Of Facebook they have a very good cost because they're paying wholesale prices they're not paying the upcharge price that the vendors charge so we can see a little bit less maybe 1200 maybe even less than that up to 2500 in order to get the same kind of lead flow to hit these numbers and that's it guys it's not really that much more complicated than doing the basic math that's what I did when I was running 30 40 appointments a week to hit ten thousand

Dollars in production a week for me just so you may Wonder back in the day maybe five years ago six years ago when I was running hot and heavy doing a lot of production my average case size was lower I've implemented some techniques and what I teach my agents to increase that so I needed more presentations to hit this kind of numbers on a consistent basis but some things I want to hit on just kind of to wrap this up that you also need to have other than

Just the equation this is just the algorithm this is just the equation right we need to take what's on paper and then put it into life and that's kind of where the X Factor lies I want to hit on a couple of things here number one it's work I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and say all you need to do is two days of work to make this kind of money no whoever is telling you that either has been in the business forever or their studs you let's just assume

You're not a stud you're beta, okay you're gonna have to take a lot of work in order to make this thing work and the nice thing and the Beautiful Thing Jokes Aside is that to make this business work you can overcome your lack of skills you can overcome your lack of salesmanship ability with a pure unadulterated work ethic that's how I became successful just selling because I looked at my competition they're pretty good but the

Selling 10,000AP Of Life Insurance Weekly - New Agent's Guide

One thing I could do better works my ass off and that's why I work 30 to 40 appointments a week and I'd ask you to think the same if you want to have anything in life you're going to have to pay the price final expense ain't no different you have to go out there and see the people you have to work harder than the other guys and the more you do there are safety in numbers the more you're going to write and the more money you're going to make so set yourself up For Success be ready to work 60 plus hours a week you're running your own business after all what business owner who's serious about their business isn't fully and 100 committed every single person ever achieved anything in life is fully all in don't look at this business as some kind of lifestyle orientation where you can just lay around four days a week maybe you'll get there eventually but if you're new give this business your all because it's a short-term

Investment of your time for the long-term opportunity of the benefits to come in the lifestyle that comes from it number two this requires money yeah you can't do what I'm describing here if you won't invest the money that's required we're talking about the potential spending ten thousand dollars plus a month guess what that's what every single person does that writes this kind of business at least 99 of them do you think you're going to be any different

No again success leaves Clues success in this business is about buying leads so you might as well accept the fact that you're going to have to do the same the good thing is you don't have to start this business I wouldn't even start this business with this kind of output I think it's better to build up to this anyway because you're gonna have to develop your skills your psychology your mental state again some people are just naturally good at this that business and

That's great but the average person has to develop their sense of experience and wisdom over time so don't think you're going to get into this business unless you're just the exception which it does exist that you need to like do this right out the gate you may need a lot less money to just build up your experience and confidence and then as you scale into the bigger numbers um as you see that you can do it and that's kind of where I wanted to leave

Selling 10,000AP Of Life Insurance Weekly - New Agent's Guide

Life Insurance

This if you can't start out doing this at the rate described that's fine it's something you're going to have to build into so for me it took me and this is without any kind of Prior examples to look at it took me about three to four years to embrace this I was clicking along at 30 leads maybe 35 leads a week for the longest time and I thought I was just fine but then I saw agents around me friends that were crushing it buying

70 80 90 Direct Mail leads a week and I realized that's right it is just a numbers game why don't I just do what they're doing and go all in and follow their pathway they're no better than I am their skill set's about the same but they worked harder and that's when I developed this understanding that you got to go all in and buy leads but it took me time to build up to it I started at 30 leads went to 40 or 50. saw the success from that scale it up even

Higher and I've done that process with a multitude of Agents doing the exact same thing for example I talked to two agents this week on the exact same setup to have a great return on investment they're doing very well but they're at that point where they're they're consistent enough they put in a couple of months and now they know that the next level is scaling up and we had our consultation this week and I said dude you're ready your numbers are great your Roi is great

Buy more leads see more people that's what this game's about if you want to make more money and they've got the capability to then scale it and the beautiful thing in final expense is when you scale the Money Follows the ROI stays the same all you're doing is more of the same which yields more money so uh do that's the process to expect this is not an overnight Endeavor in a life insurance business it takes time to build yourself up and that's a good

The thing it shouldn't be too easy to get in and make this kind of money because then everybody's going to do it the profitability is going to collapse and then we're all going to make Walmart greeter wages which sucks so guys if you enjoyed this article hope you and like if you're interested in joining our agency to do the kind of thing we're describing head over to Deford Insurance Group it's actually forward slash FAQ to learn more and thank you for so much for watching see you around. 

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