This Life Insurance Agent Sold $600,000 in SIX MONTHS!

This life insurance agent sold $600,000 in six months!

Life Insurance Agent

We have Ryan Lodi here Ryan wrote 2 million AP in two years which is insane on his own pen not talking about the team not talking about anything like that right now produce most teams by himself and uh it wasn't lucked if you know who he is he's an extremely hard-working dedicated committed person Ryan hold you 24 years Young boom 24 okay um Ryan wrote more in two years and most

Guys, people write in their entire life so Ryan to start off here introduce yourself let the audience know who you are where you're from and what are you all about brother absolutely Justin well appreciate you having me on uh 24 years young like I said um currently living here in Miami Florida my hometown of Cleveland Ohio is where I came from

And now just uh here in Miami Florida really looking to just blow up my life and you know help other people do the same awesome cool man down here in South Florida with me just crushing it real quick my audio is okay right sounds good Perfect all right sweet not too loud or anything no all right cool sweet so uh what did the start of your career look like before it really took

Off like before you totally I mean did you just start and then crush it like that or was there like a warm a ramp up to where you're like okay that's the road I'm gonna I'm gonna run down that road absolutely great question so for me, particularly it was not an easy start um I first initially I got my license I was in Cleveland Ohio my hometown and I made a decision to move to Charlotte North Carolina not knowing anyone there

Not knowing I didn't have any sales you know knowledge or information I didn't have communication skills and really didn't even know anything about insurance I didn't have a presentation I didn't really study anything about insurance and moved straight to Charlotte North Carolina got massively uncomfortable and I'd say within the first four to six months I did not even make a sale wow I moved yeah I moved from Cleveland to

Charlotte North Carolina with only enough money for rent and maybe groceries I didn't account for leads you know gas all those other miscellaneous expenses as well so it was really tight it was a very very tough time for my life and especially with not making a sale within four to six months but what really changed was the fact that I was outside of my comfort zone and I really Dove deep into insurance

Sales training so I particularly trained and looked at one person on YouTube um that was David Duford I really went deep into his content and his material and I was literally spending like days on days on days weeks on weeks of just like insurance training and I went really really deep and I probably did you know over 30 45 full pages of training, wow and that's what really got me yeah notes and I was sticking stuff all up on the walls in my

Apartment and literally like presentation closing you know the material and that's where everything really jump-started um but within the first four to six months man it was tough it was tough not having anyone around me I was a Lone Ranger as you know a lot of people who are watching this can relate to that as well was just by myself and you know it was really tough but I had I had a like a staple in my mind I'm like man I am going to make this work there is no

Plan B no plan C like this is the only option I started this I'm going to see the cycle of action through the full completion I'm gonna get the results and outcomes that I want and I really just planted that in my mind and planted that in the universe and once I really started to go all in and be a hundred percent with it that's when I started to see results and started to see outcomes so I started to see results slowly but surely I was

Is becoming a life insurance agent worth it?

Life Insurance Agent

Working like 10 leads a week I was driving like two hours out into the boons into like Wilkes County from Charlotte North Carolina you know hour and a half two hours out working 10 leads a week and Direct Mail yeah Direct Mail finally started to get results and I'm like man I cannot work 10 leads a week like I was thinking so small from the beginning and you know started to just really realize like the man I could do so much more and

Then I started to make changes and started to Pivot and adapt to you know the results that I was getting so that's how it all started though man it wasn't you know sweet and easy um it definitely could be easier if you have a good Mentor and if you go 100 all in and you do obviously whatever it takes to really become all-knowing within insurance love that bro and you know I've I have a saying I think other people may have

Coined say it differently but I say note takers are rainmakers because I know when someone's in training and if they're taking notes and they're in training I'm like this person is gonna win and as a leader, there's nothing bigger of a turn off than you like sharing your knowledge and someone like clearly not paying attention look at Ryan right here he's taking notes guys right he's not I'm taking notes too he's not even doing the

Interview and he's taking notes right so it's like that's huge in the commitment to be the best I'm sure you were always like that you always wanted like whatever even if you were like you know washing dishes somewhere you're like I'm gonna be the best dishwasher ever so cool um if you could go back uh to the start and this is for new agents here guys what

We're going to get into how Ryan uh was crushed is crushed it and is crushing it and what he was able to do is go and work after generating a ton of business go back and work his power base uh for referrals upsell stuff like that so if you could go back to right when you started what would you have done differently because I had a similar start like four first four to six months was like I had no clue what I was doing so what would you do differently if you

Why I quit being an insurance agent?

Could go back yeah a few key things um number one definitely getting a mentor immediately um having a mentor that you can learn from having Mentor that you can connect with um talk to and someone that's going to guide you throughout the uh starting point is number one definitely having a mentor um number two is just thinking a lot bigger

Um from the get-go you know obviously you know we always talk about thinking big we always talk about taking risk and being dangerous and you know many people talk about it but they don't put the action behind it and they're not willing to do it so you know thinking a lot bigger you know you cannot start off with 10 leads a week like a man yeah it's crazy even 20 leads a week is tough but a man like you gotta have enough income at like

Stored away or you just got to be willing to put it all on the line and not even worry about it and just have a lot of faith and belief that what you are doing is gonna work out and just really just man 20 leads 30 leads 40 leads a week like just go all in because that that Brute Force commitment and you being a hundred percent all in is is another one obviously but you being a hundred percent all in and getting a little bit uncomfortable is

Where the growth is Gonna Come that's where you know you're really gonna see the results and I was definitely you know doing that is going to be a big determining Factor as well you know being 100 all in and most importantly you know taking the risk early on being dangerous early on and not really worrying about where that commitment is going to lead you because a lot of people they always want to see like man where is am I going to

Get a result from this am I going to get an outcome from this like don't even worry about it just commit to it be 100 all in you know I'm a big believer of like man I'd rather go all in and be disappointed than go 50 and be disappointed I'd rather put it all on the line and maybe not get the result, yeah I only go 50 you're going to be point no matter what and that just is what it is so go ahead 100 good stuff exactly so those are the key things I Mean I'd say you know really having a mentor that you can study and train off of being 100 all in going all in thinking bigger number three and then also and I'd say definitely just um number four just training as much as you can diving into sales training do it every single day if it's worth doing you know as you know GC says if it's worth doing once it's worth doing every day if it's not worth

Doing every day it's not worth doing at all and sales training is something that you need to do every single day it's something that I do every single day as well I'm always training I'm always looking to gain knowledge and information and that's what's really gotten me to where I'm at my life is like training, not just sales training obviously but also training on these highly successful individuals how they think how they operate how they take

Action and just duplicating it in my life as well so those are the big things you know sweet bro that's awesome so now I know I know Cardone is a big Mentor for you and what I want everybody to understand here too is that your Mentor doesn't have to be someone that you can talk to all the time that's gonna like personally talk to you in a one-to-one convo okay so I think sometimes people get that confused

Because Cardone's a big Mentor for me there are other people who are mentors for me who are dead right and I read their books and I'm never going to get to talk to them in this lifetime anyway right so I um you know I like if you guys are looking for a mentor out there it doesn't have to be someone to hold your hand right it can be someone who's like has no idea that you're even alive okay and you can learn and get take

Advice from that person and what I recommend to do too and what I've seen and he can probably attest this too don't pick like 10 mentors pick like one or two people and go all in with him like he went with Duford and Cardone right it was like I'm gonna go all in with these guys because people are going to have different things that work for them and there's no like one system that works but just pick one and work it and get good at it because if not

You're gonna get confused so 100 um to go off of that yeah find a mentor in your industry find us you know an industry-specific Mentor that you can train off of and find a general like sales or just you know massively successful mentor and like you said you know it was early on it was due for it for me and you know I I attach a lot of My Success early on in my insurance sales career to him and then obviously uh GC Grant Cardone is like my overall

My mentor and I've been studying Grant and it's crazy to say but Grant and Grant only for the past five years since I've been you know an entrepreneur since I started my sales career in an insurance career is just like GC and that's it like literally I went a year without listening to music all I was listening to was Grant Cardone and you know I attached a lot of My Success to that as well so it's been a crazy Journey love that bro so guys if you want the

Results Ryan has you gotta put in the work Ryan's done and you gotta app put in that effort and that commitment so what did your system look like when you were like okay I'm taking off now I want you to get put it all on the line here I want you to break down how many leads were you getting were you doing knocking setting appointments if so how did you set appointments uh what did your present what did your routine look like how was the schedule so let's

This Life Insurance Agent Sold $600,000 in SIX MONTHS!

Life Insurance Agent

Start breaking it down for people here so they can understand really how did you produce that much because some people are gonna literally this is what's gonna happen some people are gonna see the thumbnail and title and be like that's BS I'm gonna watch it just so I can pick it apart so let's prove to him here exactly how you did it yes so we're gonna go into a specific time where the world was going crazy everyone was losing their minds and 

A lot of people didn't know what to do they were retreating they were pulling back and they got themselves into a shell and that was during the pandemic right when it started in 2020 um I wrote between January and about July maybe just time I wrote 700 000 of Life premium and specifically I was using two different lead vendors they were both direct mail I was spending you know it was between like 32 to 35 per piece of mail and I was getting between

You know 100 to 150 leads every single week which you know something I wouldn't recommend however I was I just wanted to push myself I want to see how much I could achieve and keep in mind this was during the pandemic I was still going face to face I was still seeing people every single day and I'm scared no everyone was receptive you know there were some people that were like giving me you know uh you know virus you know

Covid-19 type of objection but those are the people that would give objections and you know reactionary defense responses as we like to call them they would give those things anyways they say oh I don't have time oh call me back like those are the people who would give objections and stalls and rdrs in the first place so you know there was a slight few of people but I was able you know I came up with a good little rebuttal that actually still get in the

Door when they used to say that but man I was working you know 100 150 leads a week which like I said absolutely insane you know being able to keep you know I was really just closing my main goal and objective was to close 20 to 25 of those leads every single week and then each week so basically what I did each week I have a like a route on my phone like it's called Road Warrior is what I was using very very useful especially if you're in

The field um you put all your routes in there so each week I have an appointment setter right I have an appointment center that I was using I was paying 18 per appointment that she set which is absolutely phenomenal uh I was using her from 2018 until about 2021 and I would get my schedule every single day and I would just you know run in the field from sun up to sun down literally

Like 9 A.M to if I could 9 00 p.m you know obviously if it gets darker but if I don't have appointments after it gets dark then I can't really do much but literally running appointments 10 to 12 appointments every single day and when I had time in between I was running the week before so say I'm on you know this week and I had 100 to 150 leads from last week the leads that she didn't set appointments for the leads that they say

If you're sending your own appointments save the leads that you're setting your appointments for you didn't get to them I put them in a separate Road Warrior you know map and have those as door-knocking leads so I was literally using all my time I didn't go to lunch never went to lunch I was using all my time to just door knock and run appointments literally like like my life depended on it because your success does depend on it so running 100 to 150

Leads a week using an appointment setter which helped me multiply my time and use my time as successfully and efficiently as I could schedule if I can come to think about it I was waking up at 4am every single day I was going to sleep I'd say between nine and ten so getting about seven six hours of sleep right when I woke up I went straight to the gym get my blood flowing get my mind

The right allows me to control the day because when I can control my body and I can control what I'm doing it allows me to control the day from the get-go I went to the gym and immediately wrote down my goals and targets very very big on that writing down your goals and targets every single day putting it on a piece of paper not yeah not just on your phone that's great or like better you know that's been on the wall for

Like six months I hate saying that yeah it's better than doing nothing you know if you want to write them down type them down on your phone every single day but man pen to paper every single day because what you think about is what you're going to get what you put attention on is what you're going to get as well so just seeing your goals and targets every single day and if you're not thinking about your goals and targets you're not going to

Have a very high chance of actually achieving them so writing down my goals and targets every single day while doing my sales training at Cardone University 15 to 20 minutes every single day and then I read for 30 minutes after that every single day and literally like that was my morning time and then first appointment boom 9 A.M I'm straight to the field right away immediately um so gotta leave the place you know

Depending on how far away it was usually 30 minutes max leaving the place around 8 25 8 30 to get to my 9 A.M appointment and then running appointments hour by hour so that's how you know I kind of ran my schedule as each hour I had appointments now say hey save someone no shows save someone you know I close a deal you know within 20 minutes 30 minutes boom I'm heading to a door knock I'm looking at a route that I have on on the road warrior app

That I was using and I'm using that extra time that I have to go door knock hey maybe if I door knock a person that's in the area and I get in the house maybe I'm going to be a little bit late to my next appointment but I know that I'm using my time as efficiently as I can and hey you know clients are always going to be there more than likely even if you're you're a 10 15 minutes late it's just like hey might as well use that extra time to go see

Another person to go serve another person so was running hour by hour anytime that you know a client didn't show up no show close the deal early maybe they were you know what I like to call suspect and they weren't really a prospect they weren't a buyer I'm going straight to a door knock immediately like I'm like okay great like let's go hit the door knock let's use my time as officially as I can let's

See if I can get more results out of last week's leads because currently, the schedule that I'm running more than likely is going to be off the current week's leads that I'm using whereas when I'm door-knocking leads it's from like a weak old lead or two weeks old leads and trying to squeeze more out of each order that I was getting and specifically myself I had a whiteboard so say at the end of the day I had a whiteboard in my house

And I was literally writing down how many closes I got and how much AP I got and it was like a calendar whiteboard for me personally I remember seeing you know the squares and the calendar like whatever it is 30 days a month um and I had my goal at the end of that week and I was seeing it every single day so like say if I one day I don't close the goal that I want and I don't get the

Amount of AP that I want I see it and I'm like man I got I gotta do more work I gotta put forth more effort I gotta do this I got to do that and I was really I'm a really big believer in keeping and tracking numbers and tracking your statistics and your metrics because the numbers are never going to lie and when you track your numbers and your statistics and your metrics you're going to have more predictability

You're not going to be in Randomness you're going to know a man I gotta make this amount of presentations this amount of contacts to make this amount of closes or I gotta make this amount of calls have this amount of contacts make this amount of presentations a close deal when you know your numbers you are going to be more inspired and more motivated and more invigorated to keep pushing forward when you hit

Rejection when you hit a no when you come across a roadblock or you know a tough time right maybe you know there were days and there were maybe even weeks that I didn't get you to know sales there was a day that and that's very very uncommon, especially for someone that's running 10 to 12 appointments a day or take massive action for 10 to 12 hours and all they're doing is prospecting it's very uncommon to not get a

Sale on a day but say if there was a day that I didn't get a sale which there was you know I look at my numbers and I'm like man like I just got to keep pushing forward and the numbers always backed up my action because I know that hey maybe I'm one sit away from a massive deal or one sit away from just servicing a family and that's what really guided me as I was writing a lot of business as I was you know producing a lot what really

Guided me is the fact that like I'm helping people, yeah and when I help someone it's like a man it just made me feel so good it made me feel great because I was helping someone and I was servicing someone and I knew that me being ethical and me having the right heart and the right intentions that I was putting the client in the right place and doing the right things whereas like hey and what I also thought about is a man if

I don't take as much action as I should be taking there could be another agent out there that gets to this client quicker than I do and they disservice them they don't do the right thing they don't have the client's best interest before their interest they put them in the wrong product maybe they don't do the right thing for the client and the client is now totally turned off from seeing or talking to any insurance agent

And now that that doesn't give me the opportunity to talk to a client and actually service them so you also got to have that in the back of your mind like man this is my ethical obligation and duty to see the people and literally spend every single second I have every single day just Prospect and see the people because man if it's not me getting to them who knows who is going to get to that client or that Prospect or that Direct Mail

Lead or that Facebook leader or that telemarket Elite like who knows who's going to talk to them and maybe you come around after someone talks to them and they're like nope I don't want to talk to anyone I had this person come over you know they lied to me they manipulated me I don't want to talk to anyone whereas like a man like if you stuck in it long enough if you took more action you would have been able to get to that client

Quicker you wouldn't be unable to service them and you would have been able to help them quicker so I always had that in the back of my mind as I'm taking action like man I need to take massive amounts of action because there could be someone else out there an agent that could get to a client quicker and it could totally turn them off they could put them in the wrong product and that that obviously decreases my chances of being able to service and help them

But you know back to where we were at you know was running you know sun up to sundown 100 to 150 leads a week using an appointment setter paying her 18 per appointment she set so I'm spending you know I'm spending literally like three-four grand I mean if we really do the numbers I mean 150 leads a week times 35 that's already like four 4 500 to 5 grand a week just on leads plus my appointment setter and I was

Running Monday to Saturday right so Monday to Saturday that's 10 appointments that's 60 appointments a week times 18. that's another thousand dollars so going back to what I was saying earlier man you got to be able you got to be willing to take the risk you got to be thinking big and you got to have a lot of purpose and reasons as to why you're doing what you're doing

Um but really just kept it plain and simple Monday through Saturday was running a business I was always prospecting from sun up to sundown running leads doing business on Sunday I was doing all the miscellaneous activities the miscellaneous tests I was putting people into a Google spreadsheet to see you know all my clients that I sold I was you know reorganizing I was you know getting everything in line but anything

Between Monday and Saturday prospecting seeing the people's bottom line so just kept it really simple and I think I think Simplicity is the key to everything cool awesome man love that it's huge so um from door knocking in between appointments door knocking older leads in between appointments how much what percent do you think that increased your production annually can you think of something or like or

Like what type of a boost would that have given you like 20 to 30 percent well I mean I probably closed like at least another five to ten percent of each of my batch of leads so think of it that way instead of just closing 20 of the leads you're closing 25 or 30 percent so that's another like yeah yeah so it's another like five to Fifteen deals a week order absolutely massive absolutely

Massive and maybe you're doing face to face like as we're speaking about maybe you're doing telesales like for telesales hey like you should be creating a systematic way to follow up with your clients creatively follow up with your clients whether it's the month by month whether it's every two weeks for your unsold clients you should be keeping a list of all your unsold clients you maybe you talk to and didn't sell maybe you

Couldn't get a hold of like you need that list of people and you need to be constantly working that list and following up with them creatively because what I've seen you know from work in my power base and you know reactivating my power base is an existing client you guys existing clients yep existing clients what I've seen is that like man at some point in time they're going to get insurance whether it's with you or

Whether it's with someone else just because you spoke with them doesn't mean they're going to reach back out to you and we already know the odds of that if you're not in constant communication with them building a relationship with them and constantly looking for creative ways to stay in touch with them they're going to buy insurance from someone else so it's just a matter of time that they're actually going to you know purchase insurance and get insurance

It's only a matter of time so you got to find creative ways to stay in contact and in touch with them and you know something that I could have done a whole lot better obviously for me like I was working you know 100 to 150 leads a week so I was a little spoiled I would say a little bit spoiled of like a lot of opportunity and I was working a market that a lot of people weren't working so I was a little

Spoiled but now it's a lot more competitive, especially on the Fe side it's very competitive with telesales with running in the field so you got to find ways to differentiate yourself most importantly and also ways to dominate your competition doing what your competition doesn't do doing what they don't even think about doing and going to levels that they aren't willing to go to and I think one of the biggest things is the follow-up you know we always

Hear the money is in the follow-up right I mean what are many people doing about follow-up they follow up with the client one or two times and after that like if they don't get the sale they're moving on whereas like a man if you just stick with this client find creative ways to continue to follow up with them whether it's once every month once every two weeks like the man that that sale is Gonna Come to you yeah and you know that that's a big thing that

I've been seeing as I've been reactivating my existing book of business you have sorry um man I've got like 1200 that is in Cleveland like final expense clients yeah insane so yeah over that time over that period of time it just keeps growing and growing but as I've been reactivating that existing book of business I've you know a lot of people that fell

Off the books a lot of people that got disconnected numbers I couldn't stay in touch with over time yeah I've been seeing like man like the people that I had the hardest time trying to close or the people that wanted to spend like 30 40 bucks now they're spending like 100 bucks a month now they're they've actually closed and I'm like dang like if I just stayed in touch with them stayed in contact with them long enough they would have done business with me

Right so just uh having more of a long-term approach to everything, especially with the follow-up is gonna dramatically increase your sales and your profits love that man that's huge and I think um there's because I've heard people with faith working face to face and they're like their approach to following up from an appointment that doesn't buy is like then they don't they're not going to touch them again so because it's like 

I Was at home I did everything I needed to and I'm not really worried about it because I got my next appointment now some people treat it like that some don't um and I treated it like that when I was face to face but telesales is way different for me personally because it's like you when you go to someone's house for an appointment they know you're coming like they know you're going to sell them Insurance unless the lead was

Just completely a lie on whatever the lead form they filled out but they have no clue or they got something wrong with them mostly Direct Mail leads aren't going to have Dimension Alzheimer's the same as a telemarketing lead that's just answering the phone so like I found like intellisales especially guys if with following up with unsold clients is huge because like you're surprising those people randomly in the middle of

The day and I think a lot of new agents run into that trap where they don't understand like if they're just getting into telesales they don't understand the importance of following up with your unsold clients and those people, especially in telesales guys that you have to follow up with and that are like rough on the phone and pains in the butts look those people when I look back those are the people that are still on the

Books paying me renewals like I and I can see the names and I'm like man that guy wasn't a jerk to me but like he's still got his policy four years later right so that follow-up is huge on that um so 1200 people on the books now what do you do to uh work your existing clients so guys this is after you put in that massive level of action okay but what Ryan's saying here actually is keep in touch with him like the whole

The whole time so what would you recommend to do for people to do to keep in touch with their existing client base so that they can take advantage of those upsells and the other opportunities that arise yeah definitely so for me personally uh I've learned by by by fault that you know I didn't react I didn't really you know I'm saying all this because I didn't personally do it myself and I'm learning

Now how much of an impact it makes to stay in contact and staying yeah 100 communication because you know when you're getting 100 to 150 leads a week like the only thing you can do is literally just Prospect and work leads that's all you can do whereas like man like if I knew what I knew now and this is why it's so important to continually dive into information and have a mentor and have you know people

That you're you're looking up to and can gain information from if I knew what I knew now man I would be in so much more communication throughout the first couple of years so I mean I was working from 2018 until about 2021 in Fe um face to face and between that point of time all I was doing was selling well really quick how would you keep in touch with them so say like someone's like if you could go back to and what method would

You use to keep in touch with them or maybe have to keep in touch with them earlier because not many people watching this are going to go put in order for 150 Direct Mail leads or Facebook leads or YouTube leads whatever they're working most people won't do it I'd say 90 of people so what can you record what would you recommend to people say hey hey how can they keep in touch with those people creatively like were you like you were saying like what

Would you recommend doing yeah so for me personally I was doing birthday calls and a lot of people shy away from doing this they're like oh this sent out like an automated text or automated voicemail drop like I was personally that's one of the things that I've done you know throughout the years is birthday call it's like I personally call my clients and they show up on my calendar on my phone because I put all my clients as a contact in my phone and I put their

Birthday and it shows up every single year man I can't even tell you how many times I got a second sale or how many times I got a referral or how many times I run across a client that I've been trying to sell or I've been trying to get back on the books and they're like hey I'm ready to go so birthday calls for sure and then also man I would recommend doing monthly newsletters send out a monthly newsletter and that

That's a game-changing game change like email or direct mail um Direct Mail sends out a monthly newsletter how do you do that um or something no so specifically um I would yeah I mean I would just create like like a trifold type of like you know brochure and just put like creative information in there like tips

Like tips to live healthier you know you know recent like you may maybe some history in the month of October for the city that they're living in you know just cool little tidbits right that's awesome um so send that out um you know obviously utilize the CRM and just you know find I mean it takes a lot of commitment to find creative ways to follow up with your clients on a monthly or maybe you know quarterly basis so you're gonna have to go deep

Into it and you know use a CRM do voicemail drops text messages um birthday calls for sure monthly newsletters um man I mean I'd say that that's the biggest thing as far as staying in contact with them and continually following up with them because like you said earlier is if you're not doing that you're not going to get second sales you're not going to get referrals when

They come to buy again because the buyer's never done buying they're always going to want more when they come to buy again they're just going to buy from someone else and I've seen that personally myself like my own existing client bought from someone else I'm like man like why don't you reach out to me, yeah you know and you know that's the first Viewpoint that we have but we got to take responsibility for them now yeah

Lying from us like why didn't you reach out to them that's what you get that's how you guys have to look at that so I'd be like this why didn't they call me it's like why did you call them right someone else called them someone else was more motivated than you were and guys don't get don't think that like when someone buys a policy that's all they're ever gonna buy because we literally at our agency we have our biggest weeks when we only work

Our existing clients and I tell agents this all the time they're like I don't believe it literally we have people write 30 to 40 000 AP in a week just working with their existing clients we do go through them once every six months so how do you approach an existing client right so walk me through that so you reach out to someone call them for their birthday and then they get in touch with you or the other methods that you use how do you approach the upsell do you do

This Life Insurance Agent Sold $600,000 in SIX MONTHS! 

Life Insurance Agent

With telesales do you do an appointment at their house uh how do you approach that the upsell or the yeah so particularly um when I really the first time I really reactivated my existing book of business and I wish you know I did it more frequently as I was you know moving through my career in insurance but the first time I did it it was all through phone calls and really just um the way you

Reactivate a current client by having a service-orientated mindset like they just want to touch base want to check in making sure everything's going well uh want to make sure that your beneficiaries are still up to date you still want you to know your daughter and your son 50 50. okay great also you know I completely forgot you know Betty I forgot you know when that time comes you prefer to be buried or cremated and then revisit the situation okay you want to

Be buried okay great well we only got 5 000 what I would recommend I mean or no hey how much does a burial cost nowadays and kind of just revisit do some more fact-finding and kind of just you know implement or drop some facts of like man you need to get more coverage and you really just say hey like okay burial costs 10 000 nowadays you know Betty as we know costs are going to continually go up I mean what was the uh burial ten years

Ago oh five thousand now it's ten thousand right so that means 10 years from now could be 15 000 could be twenty thousand so what I would recommend doesn't have to be now but later on the future that we do look at the next option and then you know I usually just bring up like here's what the next option would look like okay an additional 5 000 that would be 30 more bucks every month and I kind of wait for them to you

Know talk a little bit or whatnot but okay would that fit your budget or would you want something lower or would you want something more and then you know more you know a good amount of chances that you know the more people you'll talk to the more that you'll be able to get those second sales so really just with the service-oriented and mindset though you're not just calling them to say hey like you want to get more coverage like no like here I want

To make sure everything's going right have they been taking the money I wanted to touch base with you you know how's your family how's everything going in life are the beneficiaries still up to date do we need to change anything you know so on and so forth really just coming out with service for first and foremost and then and then really just evaluating the situation seeing how much coverage they have seen if they want

To be buried or cremated you know bringing up the fact of like man prices are just continually going up oh yeah do you want to leave money behind to your son and daughter are you just looking for enough to cover the burial right and just uh really revisit it and you know they've already done business with you and so it's more likely that they want a new business with you again and I guarantee it that a lot of these clients they're just

Waiting for someone to call them to buy General Insurance yeah and they're just waiting for that specific person and you know you are that specific person especially if they're your existing client man they're I mean like you said the biggest weeks in your agency are when you work on your existing clients and for anyone that's never done that drop everything that you're doing and do it and do it or maybe even just do it on

Sundays are perfect days to work your existing clients or holidays exactly you know that's what I call you to know existing client reactivation time it's like Sundays and holidays you can do it any other day but it's a good excuse to call them too because like if you call a new lead on a holiday they may be like what are you doing you're pissing me off but if you call someone that's your existing client to wish them a happy

Holiday like that's the perfect time because you're already you already got the in so sweet man okay awesome so now um real quick because we just we got a few minutes left here what I want you to do is just like run people through a basic sales presentation that you run on an appointment if it's a new lead and then let us know your goals for 2023 because I get so pumped whenever the quarters hit we're in quarter four 2022 now I know that your goals for 2022

Quarter four is going to gear up towards launching into 2023 with some massive success so what's your presentation look like and then uh what do you got planned for the future before we wrap it up yes so presentation um really just simple very simple um throughout the years I removed anything and anything that that isn't needed right making it as you know not making it as quick as possible but making it as quick as possible not just

For the purpose of making it quick but the for the purpose of being in tune with how important the buyer's time is yeah and how sensitive they are with time you know because people have things to do and that's a service mindset too sorry I'm sorry 100 so for me personally I didn't do much Rapport building I remember at the beginning of my career when I first moved to Charlotte man oh man like I spent minutes 5 10 15 minutes

Of just trying to build rapport oh yeah look at that painting on the wall you know how to look what about your grandkids like everyone knows that you know that's old school task tactics and you're wasting your time and most importantly you're wasting the customers time so for me personally I'm going right into it like hey appreciate you know we're in the field we're face to face appreciate you taking the time to speak with me Betty thank you

For having me where do you want to sit where would be best for us to sit do you want my shoes off okay great okay good where's the best place for us to sit and they're like oh yeah we could sit on the couch okay do you want me sitting there do you want me sitting here giving them control allowing them to have control I'm giving them the control so I actually asked them like they tell me to sit but I double check I'm like man you

Want me to sit here do you want me to sit there okay great perfect that builds Rapport without you even having to talk about their kids too yeah yes exactly so perfectly just going into it and then immediately just going into the sales presentation like okay so what hey mate the main reason many people fill out this postcard is that they want to make sure you know God forbidden when that time comes they don't leave any financial burden behind so they're loved

One now what were your thoughts and concerns when you had filled this out and then boom I figure out what their thoughts and concerns were and then from there it allows me to see which direction I need to move into like as far as fact-finding questions so hey you know I filled it out because I'm looking for insurance I don't have insurance oh wow okay absolutely so have you ever had Insurance before wow how long ago was

That wow what happens to the policy you know or maybe hey they already have insurance they're looking to add more okay great figure out what their past purchases are figure out what their past decisions were and that will dictate how they make future decisions so that's the importance of fact-finding but for me particularly like boom I'm going straight into fact-finding I'm figuring out what their why is what the reason is to them wanting

This Life Insurance Agent Sold $600,000 in SIX MONTHS!

Life Insurance Agent

More insurance and I'm figuring out what their past decisions were like because that will tell me how they're going to make future decisions and after that really just asking the health questions and throughout that time throughout the sales process I'm slowly You're Building Rapport throughout the sales process as well you know not just making it all just like sales right like throughout the process I'm also you know asking them like a man

How long you been here in Cleveland or how long you've been here in Miami or you know how long you been here in whatever state they're in and you know asking them you know you got you to know okay your daughters and kids are they living here you see them often you know and that's throughout the sales process I don't do that all at the beginning and waste their time or waste my time most importantly so man I'm getting that

Beneficiary's name very very soon within that sales process as well I mean say hey God forbid you were to pass you know a week from now or a month from now who would you want that check going to who would be most responsible for getting that beneficiary's name and using the beneficiary's name throughout the sales process as well um so really important thing real quick here and then the important thing to

This Life Insurance Agent Sold $600,000 in SIX MONTHS!

Life Insurance Agent

About having that Rapport because I do the exact same thing and I found new agents really struggle with weaving those report questions into their presentation how do you get good at that you become obsessed with your presentation and you get it down to literally someone could wake you up at 2AM and you could just boom rip out your script or your presentation because if you're not like that you will struggle to weave Rapport into your presentation

Or your script because if you don't know the next step you can't think of some creative way to build rapport so that's so key there to get to that point where you master your presentation to where you make it a conversation you have to master the sales part of it first and know it forward and backward and then you'll be able to weave in your Rapport building and clearly Ryan's Ryan's mastered here so man that's a great point right there because a lot of

People have a random approach every single time they speak with a new client whereas like man you have to do this you have to have like a very similar approach every single time you got to have steps that you're going through because like you said if you have a random approach you're not going to be able to man just say it off the tip of your tongue you're not going to be able to wake up at 2AM and start your

You know your presentation and say it off the top of your mind so man I think one of the biggest things that hold a lot of people back in and from closing deals is that they don't have a specific approach every single time and I for me personally I did the same thing every single salesman obviously it's going to be a little different but as far as the approach as far as the steps that I'm going through and the direction in which I'm moving the sales

The process through it's very similar every single time so man I think that that's a very very big key right there but man I mean it's just very very simple um keeping that fact-finding and then presentation just kind of cover the product that's what they need the insurance for health I'm assuming and then yeah so yeah fact-finding like you said fact-finding asking them about their health um bringing up the banking situation

Like hey you know it's you know my last question for you buddy is is simply how these carriers work for payments nowadays as I'm sure you know I don't come back every month like back in the old days like the premium uh all the companies nowadays they work through automatic drafts you usually through like a bank locally so my question to you is doing you Bank locally you know really sweetening how you present yourself as well that's a thing

All the companies work through banks do you Bank locally like just not being as a direct right like oh no I don't come back every month like the back in the old days I'm sure you had your mother your grandmother used to see the insurance man you know all the companies they work through automatic drafts right and then after that boom I'm like you said presenting the product for me specifically I used to always differentiate myself from what they see

On TV and what they see through the mail which is going to be guaranteed acceptance guaranteed issue and then also term life so I'm always always always differentiating myself and explaining the difference even if they know it before I'm even going into whole term life and guaranteed issue I'm asking okay now the last thing I want to do before I bring up some options and prices is explain to you what I do

That's different than from what you see on the TV and through the mail now Betty do you know the difference between whole life insurance and term life insurance they're gonna be like yeah oh yeah absolutely I know the difference like sometimes you're going to hear that oh yeah I know the difference oh great what's the difference just to see you know kind of what they know and then awesome well I just want to explain to you a little bit more

So whole life is X Y and Z term life is this um always explain to them because that shows that you're trying to service them and you know for me particularly like these people are going to continue to get things through the mail and they're going to see things on the TV and if they don't know the difference between all those different options and we only share with them what we have to offer what we think is the

Best what we know is the best for them which is whole life day one coverage if they are you know approved for it they're going to see things on TV and through the mail and they're going to be like oh man like Ryan did me dirty like screw him and you know I'm just gonna get this insurance or they're gonna make a rash decision on something they see on the TV or through the mail and they're not even going to think about calling you whereas if you explain

It to them they're going to be like oh well I remember Ryan telling me about that like I don't want that like this is bad data from their heads, yeah removing the bad data and getting them educated right for my sales process it's a really educated base sales process educating them teaching them making them more aware and then after that boom I'm showing them options um usually I go from highest number to lower number like 20 000 15 10 000. oh

You know I used to start low and then move higher as I go down but you know something that I've learned is twenty thousand fifteen ten thousand or you know start higher so it doesn't you know whatever it's just the client sometimes seems like you're trying to upsell them and then anytime they pick an option this is huge would you consider always use this hey they pick 15 thousand okay great I mean what would you consider anything lower do you want anything

Lower or maybe they picked the one on the bottom which is the lowest option that you presented to them okay do you want anything lower that shows I'm like man like he actually cares about me he wants to make sure that I'm doing the right thing so would you consider anything lower or maybe they pick the highest option you ask hey would you consider anything more maybe they pick the middle option would you consider would you consider

Twenty thousand or anything more so and that's the biggest thing as well yeah sweet bro cool so now thank you for that right what are your goals moving into the quarter for 2022 and 2023 as we wrap this up here so one of the biggest goals that I have is by Q2 of 2023 is to make my first real estate investment into a commercial property 16 plus units I'm getting a

A handful of you know investors that I know trust and we want to partner together about four to five people uh you know put you know 100 to 150 000 together and find a property find a deal that's one of the biggest things I'm moving towards because a lot of things that I see a lot is that yeah we can create income we can make money but a man like a lot of people can create it and make it but man how do you keep it and how do you multiply it right like

As I've been learned by GC but the man just uh that's one of my biggest goals and then also um opening up a Loa Medicare shop is also another one of my big goals as well I'm still looking to do that here in Miami and looking to really just plug people into a platform that's going to have them exceeding at very high levels

Perfect all right love that bro hey Ryan thank you so much for this man really really appreciate it uh if you guys have any questions for Ryan I'll drop his email right here you're going to see it on the screen and if you look up right here you're gonna see how Ashley built an agency to do in over 6 million uh in just two years six million a month in just two years she was able to build an agency doing that selling final expense mortgage protection so appreciate you Ryan thank you so much. 

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