Your Parents Are Being Twerps

Foreign Tiffany is with us in Arizona hi Tiffany welcome to the Ramsey Show thank you for taking my call sure what's up um so back in 2014 my husband and I bought a rental house with my parents and then in 2015 we remodeled it my husband and I paid all the expenses and my father did the work

And then in 2016, my parents got divorced and it was a very spiteful divorce against each other my dad came to me and was like if you give me five thousand cash under the table will be out of the rental property and I was like I'm not going to do that because you guys are both my parents I'm knocking in the middle of it so then he went down to the county clerk and put a twenty thousand dollar lien on

The property so we could not sell it because there was not enough equity to cover the lien and we've tried paying him three times he won't take the money because he has to split with my mom so we're just kind of stuck we don't really know what to do next wow confessions of someone who should not have bought real estate in a partnership huh

We're financially able to no that wasn't what I said confessions of someone that should not about real estate in a partnership which is anyone by the way because the only ship that Won't Sail is a partnership including one with spiteful divorced parents and your dad is completely butthole oh my God I'm so sorry for you what a jerk okay so what's the property worth

It's worth 63 and we owe 17. oh it's a big old property too everybody's gonna get rich on this crap what's your household income um probably right now I'd say about 150. what's your net worth of about 500 000. okay there are a couple of ways to go at this structurally relationally and spiritually okay

Um Justice would be served but not common sense by way number one and it's not my suggestion but this will work okay way number one is you hire an attorney and you sue the partnership in court for the disillusionment of the partnership assets and you for it and the judge will force the sale of the house and he will

Deal with the illicit twenty thousand dollar lien in the process, okay and in other words, the judge would remove the twenty thousand dollar lien because you could present evidence that in State Court this is a state course, not a federal court move you'd have to talk to an attorney it's going to cost you ten or fifteen thousand dollars to do this okay and your butthole dad is out of the

Picture forever because once you Sue this jerk he's never going to speak to you again okay and he's a jerk yeah okay but that might or may not be a big loss but it is your dad it still breaks your heart dads should not do this to their daughters by the way that's just it's not normal that's strange so um but that technically is how you would get out of a bad partnership is you sue

For the disillusionment of the partnership assets the judge says you have to sell it, they sell it slow sale with a real estate agent or at an auction and he can also rule on the illicit illegal lien which is what you're telling me this is okay yeah in the process uh now if you want to go that route you can go that route that would be Justice that'd be the correct thing would happen then is he would not get the twenty thousand

Dollars that he's not due the property would be sold and the appropriate people would get the money all you although you would be out attorney's fees and you could sue for those and throw them in there I assume there's no partnership agreement no, of course, another problem when you give your dad that money half of that's mine so I feel like I'm in the Middle where I can't make no it's not it's like I'm not giving your dad

Anything that's not the point, yeah okay yeah we're not you're not going that route, okay your dad does not do any money is he I mean I no no his deal was he did the work and you furnished the repairs that were the deal he's not due any money morally did I miss something we didn't pay him for the work I know he for it you didn't get paid back for Putting up the stuff either did you no okay that was the deal quick covering for this jerk am I missing something, no I mean he helped with the down payment too that was 5 000 but even when we try to just give him the 5 000 cash he wouldn't take it we tried giving him five thousand ten thousand yeah here's the other way here's the other way out this is 90 headache and 10 percent

The fruit you know what I would do if I were you I assume you're on the mortgage right yeah I would I would pay off the mortgage today and sign a quit claim deed to these two fools and let them go work it out and walk away just give it to them screw them let them go burn them burn it down it's sixty-three thousand dollars who gives a crap you've got a half a million you

Make 120. this is not life-changing money to you what is life-changing is your parents are being twerps yeah just walk away just toss them the keys over your shoulder and say you two figure this out good luck you children and just forget it I was waiting for closure it was worth over 200 000 and they owed 90 and they sent it back to the bank instead of selling it agreed to sell it so money isn't really the issue

I'm not talking about them I'm talking about you yeah this is not about money this is about fools cut themselves loose from Fools else right now are you guys renting it is it sitting vacant, yeah we're low like the value is not high of the property the rental um it's worth 1 000 a month so let me tell you by the time you split all this crap up if you spend fifteen thousand dollars in attorney's fees instead of

Seventeen thousand paying off the mortgage and you go through all this crap you're going to end up with ten thousand bucks in your pocket aren't you well after everything's said and done after all the crap goes on if you sue them and do it and you fight through this for two and a half years in the legal system and you get this house sold your net in your pocket is going to be between ten and twenty thousand dollars isn't it

Yeah yeah it is the numbers you just gave me happened in Illinois they passed a new law that's effective one 123 that where if a lien expires which this one expired in 2018 that you don't have to go through the leaner to get the person who put the lien on to get it removed um because I apparently there were a lot of contracts it's not the lien that's the problem you're on a mortgage and a deed with two fools

Oh they're not their names not on the property at all it's just our name oh this is new information yeah it's all in our name because they were in I know this is super stupid I did this but um they were in chapter 13. oh you guys are under the is it under the table family we do illegal stuff for a living here okay yeah I you know I might well I thought they were on the loan with you and on the house okay, in this case, I would just sue him Just show him and get the lean removed that's simple just suit just following with a court follow with the court and get the lean removed that simple and then don't give them anything screw them that's the way I mean just when you if you want to give them something someday that's fine but not now yes we talked about that last call all the way through the commercial break and you did two that's why you listen to the Ramsey Show because it's a little

Cherry springer-ish around here sometimes so um oh my gosh um so here's the thing finally in the last 30 seconds got the information before we move on to the next part that the ownership of the property was in the girl's name she and her husband own it so the only hold mom or dad have on that property is a moral hold where they did a handshake partnership but there is no legal hold on that

Property at all and dad has placed a lien on the property that can be removed with a small attorney's fee of three to five thousand dollars so if you have a contractor that you pay and they're pissed and they say you owe me an extra five grand but no that wasn't our deal and they placed a lien on your property you can sue that contractor and have that removed to have that lien removed for you know a couple thousand bucks in state court it's not a big deal it's a

The quick hearing may even be you know maybe just local small claims court even possibly depending on how your area is so seeing attorney honey and just suing the contractor that placed a lien on your property the contractor being your butthole dad will settle the twenty thousand dollars for three thousand bucks and walk away you give them the three thousand dollars now you own the property free and clear you have no moral obligation to people who tried

To cheat you in an Unwritten partnership agreement uh to pay them anything you now just own the property and they're just out to plunge which is where they deserve to be they were in Chapter 13 when you bought the property anyway we used your name your credit your money to buy the property to start with the only thing they did was come up with a really bad idea and stick you in it and so they get nothing which is exactly

What do these two groups deserve parents misbehaving on the Jerry Springer Show I mean the Ramsey Show and so that's the title of that call uh one last thing Christina's asking me about something else what about the Biblical scripture says to honor your father and mother you are supposed to honor the office of Father the office of the mother but we do not honor your dad if he sexually molests you

We honor the office of the father but we do not honor a sexual predator we do not honor mom if she's doing cocaine and stealing your children's college fund you honor the office of the mother but that mother has severed her rights to be honored as an individual because of her misbehavior biblically speaking and so you're not biblically bound to honor people who are misbehaving in any situation well I think that's important to highlight

Because I think a lot of Christians can feel guilt around that and there are other families nothing as guilty as an Evangelical Christian we can do guilt better than almost anybody maybe Catholics beat us but I mean it's we're right in there together buddy we got we got guilt down to a science but yeah it's not there's nothing to feel guilty of here you're not you're the victim you're not the perpetrator

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