Insurance Agent Gets DEATH THREATS and Cops Called On Him

Insurance agent gets death threats and cops called on him

Insurance Agent Gets DEATH THREATS and Cops Called On Him

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An insurance agent is receiving death threats and the cops called him while he was out knocking I have a story for you in a moment and my thoughts on how this happened and why and how you can avoid the same fate best regards my name is David Duford Owned I'm Ford Insurance Group, I train and recruit agents nationally to sell Medicare and ACA final expense annuities if you'd like to learn more about joining

My agency head over to forward slash faq ok so i found a story about this agent who got death threats and the cops called on him while i was surfing the internet and thought it would be interesting to all of you especially if you are thinking about selling insurance and are worried about the possibilities of what could happen to you if you are out there trying to make a living in the insurance business

That requires you to go door to door, so we're actually going to go through it and read a little bit of it. I'll try to give some context to what's going on as we go through the story and then I'll wrap it up with a summary of my thoughts on why this happened and more importantly, what steps you can take as an insurance agent to avoid what appear to be misunderstandings if it is a door-to-door sale of insurance.

A truly huge misunderstanding is how a Lehigh Valley life insurance salesman describes the last few days of his life, visits to local homes of people asking for free child safety kits that contain children's fingerprints turned into a series of concerned Facebook posts, calls to police to warn from Northampton County to local parents and screams of death against a man as homeowners say the visitors left them

Concerned about saying they don't know why the man was there, he didn't identify himself and in at least one instance he claimed to be with a child Children and Youth so a little side action before we start this is probably the crux of what the problem is when you go to doors and knocking on potential customers who, yes, may have requested some information, but don't have much recollection of who is going to contact them and some sort of reason why they will

Insurance agent gets death threats and cops called on him

Insurance Agent Gets DEATH THREATS and Cops Called On Him

You get people who have that concern and again I can't confirm if any of this happened or if people made it up sometimes it's true but one of the things that the first lesson I would teach you when you work for an insurance company and when you start to identify as something you are not this is something that will happen this is one thing as in final expenses say i'm state-regulated

A final expense agent um or a life insurance agent is another way of saying it in so many words but what this gentleman is saying is again claiming to the public that he is with children and youth which just doesn't sound right. it sounds skeptical and again when you go door to door expect to be met with cynicism and skepticism welcome to the modern age so you need to be 

You are right now and be willing to identify yourself right from the start in an interview with the man vehemently denies identifying himself as a county employee or being with the division of children and youth again I can neither confirm nor deny that this person actually did it I I'm more concerned with painting it as very important

Um, the lesson that needs to be learned about naming yourself transparently, actually one of the things we teach agents is to put their first and last name and specifically describe up front what they did when they request information about what they did because one of the first things you need to satisfy as an insurance agent is to describe why you are there and why they should care, the longer it takes without satisfying this basic level

You need to get people who are paranoid or scared, who have reasons to be that way, to draw their own conclusions and start doing things like going on Facebook and spreading the word or calling all the cops again the more openly you do it and I'm doing door to door sales in final cost life insurance for years knocking on thousands of doors at this point never had the cops but called them once

Because I sat next to somebody's house for about 30 or 45 minutes and looked at some work and I understood the mayor there, but otherwise I never had any problems with knocking on the door because I always identified myself up front, we'll talk a little bit more about that in a moment it's completely untrue, you said the man's name and the photo was shared on Facebook with comments calling him a predator and

A pervert who received death threats and had to call Pennsylvania State Police, at least two people told they contacted local police after reports of visits to Northampton Borough and Whitehall Township police, who people said received reports, does not return immediately. Northampton County said Wednesday that it has received reports of a person looking for children's fingerprints and claiming they have

With the children of the Division of Youth and Families, but that the person was not a county employee, the man said people must apply for the kits either through a shared link or the VIA website as part of the process they agreed to have an American Income Life Insurance representative. contact them American Income Life Insurance has confirmed that the man is one of their agents so this is the strategy American Income Life uses in case

Insurance agent gets death threats and cops called on him

Insurance Agent Gets DEATH THREATS and Cops Called On Him

You didn't know that right here they teach their agents to basically get one angle and then convert it to an insurance angle. Child policy kits are a very common strategy that is used there and they also use a lot of Union-type benefits like accidental death coverage to get you in the door and then talk about shopping for additional life insurance, one of the things that is common um.

The information and everything is there, it's within the letter of the law, a legitimate one of the concerns that many agents have, uh, it's just with the business, is a strategy taught by many life insurance companies or agencies that leads to something completely different than what is it that they are trying to sell I'm not saying it's necessarily a bait and switch but the idea of ​​luring someone into a meeting and then changing it and selling it

Insurance for a lot of people is understandably about wanting transparency and honesty and not wanting to start talking about something completely unrelated to selling life insurance, and the problem with that sometimes is that prospects misunderstand. they are in a position where they are being sold and offered something they didn't know about

would be offered and they get some incense the website will Say by entering and submitting your information you are giving your consent to a licensed insurance agent to contact you to arrange a convenient time to deliver our child safety kits and explain other insurance coverage available the agency so they try to make contact by phone, but if they can't be reached in person, the agent goes to the house The man said and that's 100 gentle knocks on doors is a great way to make a living in the insurance business whether you want to or not it's your decision people who do it well know it works very well just know how to Introduce yourself at the door, at the end we'll give you some tips to minimize this particular problem that happened one woman said she didn't ask for a set, a lot of people say they never but

Insurance agent gets death threats and cops called on him

They actually did if you were in the insurance industry how many people have you heard say that's my signature on the card but I didn't send it back you know or yes that's my email but I didn't send it via Facebook he's right, so we're saying again, you hear all along that the man came to her door and he didn't respond when she talked to him through the ring camera, he didn't identify who he was and he wasn't wearing anything that would identify him, so

I called the Whitehall Township Police so again here are some basic pro tips guys number one when someone talks to you talk back pro tip number two again look pro I like to think we all have a little common sense here but I sounds like maybe this guy just looked like a bum uh if you act and dress and do things that are bombshell you're going to be treated like a bum so you know to tuck your shirt in

Business casual I have one thing I was knocking on the door I made an uh a lanyard land lanyard because they screwed up but I had my badge on there that had my uh identification my license information and this is the thing that would she had on me because you show an appeal to authority and you can show hey this is me this is legitimate it's an appeal to legitimize who you are and without that kind of stuff especially if you're acting

You are erratic in your demeanor and you don't know someone who exudes confidence, this is the kind of reaction you get especially from people who are honestly maybe more paranoid than normal, the man realized something was wrong on Monday afternoon when Northampton burrow sent him a screenshot of a Facebook post made on Sunday, the post, which has since been removed, featured a photo of a man from

A home surveillance system he remembers talking to the homeowner Wednesday through a surveillance system from there, things got out of hand and a lot of misinformation spread, he said there was false information in the post about the man said, but that didn't identify the man by him and his managers are working to report the Facebook post, the man said he went through Whitehall Township Police to have another Facebook post removed by the person

Insurance agent gets death threats and cops called on him

Insurance Agent Gets DEATH THREATS and Cops Called On Him

He deleted it on the basis that I will not contact her again, he said another post mentioned his name and showed his personal Facebook page and his work page the man said he deleted the Facebook page because of harassment I am getting the fact that I ' They are accusing me of such a thing, it is disturbing, time someone turned to the other The Northampton County Police Department to confirm his identity, an officer contacted the man who verified his work and why he went to the house and that was the end of it saying I appreciate that someone took the right approach and didn't post it on Facebook. again it's a door-to-door thing and it absolutely works, probably works better than ever, but there's a special process that we have to go through

Reduce the understandable heightened level of risk that people across America have, and if you're not sensitive to these things, and again, I don't know if the man did anything wrong or not, but in general, if we're not sensitive to these things, then you as an agent such crap, even if you don't expect it, wish it or even want it to happen, the man said he lost money because of it and changed the region in which

He's covering up for the claims he said he respects that people felt something was wrong and wanted to make people aware of it but he's scared for his wife and me now all I want is to live my life normally give back going to live my nightlife normally clearing my name there are horrible allegations against me he said adding to his reputation has completely gone out the window with these allegations like this just don't go

Gone so the man that got the police called got death threats and went viral all over the internet in a bad way so how do you stop that from happening like I said earlier ladies and gentlemen number one if you Tap the door, you need to be sensitive to other people again I'm not saying any specific thing bad about this agent, but when you go there and Prospect, you know, think about paranoia and skin and skepticism

People have and you have to dress appropriately, you have to behave appropriately, so when I run out the door I don't run at them, you know, but like knocking on the door, I make sure I step back to put enough space between me and the person at the door I look square them in the eye when they answer if they ask through the ring who you are and identify yourself I'll show my ID I'll show them

Insurance agent gets death threats and cops called on him

The information they asked for and I'm going to go and play the role of a completely trustworthy person, in other words, think if the roles were reversed, some stranger knocks on your door unannounced, you're probably a little worried about who it is, you don't expect it if the person you let her in the door so she knows a little bit about who she is, why she's there, and to confirm that she really is legitimately who she says she is and So that's why I recommend things like neck badges, dress casually or even better and just be good body language looking people Square in the eyes, you know, smile and generally be outgoing, um easygoing person that's it, what will break the barriers and get you home as an agent um the last few things I'll say about it you know me more

About that and reading this I would question this gentleman's delivery again delivery is all that perception is reality and perception that has been created based on what all these people have said and the kind of bad news that is coming to me sounds like this person was not to re-radiate those factors that make a difference and immediately create trust with the people you are trying to find if you don't then you will come across

These probably aren't as bad as this, but you're not going to get in your door and help people. Another thing that I think can be said to some extent is that the type of leads you work with matters uh when you're knocking on doors uh make sure you work with leads that people actually remember again, that's why I like to recommend new and exclusive leads to ages, not leads that were generated days uh or really

Months and years ago in some cases, because people's memory fades and they forget to do something that I also like leads which are actually right to the point of what we're trying to achieve if they want life insurance I like the head of Dimension life insurance if it mentions something other than life insurance, or half mentions it or says something completely different, that kind of skepticism is naturally re-created, think about it, submit

For some info on I don't know how I got some free gift card and there was no mention of life insurance and some guy who sold you trying to sell you a policy shows up at your door, you're going to be a little pissed, then again take it from me the following is the process of good body language at the door make sure if you are selling insurance somewhere that someone can teach you how to do it don't discount the importance of body language it's

Really anything, when people ask you who you are and where you're from, is already a problem, the fact that you don't address it in your script leads to skepticism to fear and this kind of thing is likely to increase over time, so the more open you are the better the more directly you describe to the prospect who you are, why you are there, and show them what you have done, the more likely you are to break through

Get rid of the fear of trust and make an appointment and help people, so I hope this helped, and uh, hopefully, it didn't scare you. I still think that door knocking is a great way to find and find business, especially if you use the right kind of leads as we do at Ford Insurance Group in the last arena of spending again if you are interested in learning more about what we do go to forward slash FAQ on

Find out more about what we do and how our business works and how you can join us, thanks for following us

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